Questions tagged [android-gesture]

A package in the Android SDK that provides classes to create, recognize, load and save gestures. Gestures are patterns on the touch screen that map to specific functions.

Gesture API

264 questions
1 answer

gestureListener is null when onTouch is called

for some reason when the user flings from left to right my app crashes for the first time. But if they do a right to left fling it works fine. It only does this on a gridView that I've constructed. My layout is basically Parent:…
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Issues Implementing Android fling gesture

I'm attempting to implement a fling gesture. Ultimately it will have the same function as the native android contact app, you'll swipe the listview and it'll open up the dialer. I'm having an issue getting everything 100% though. As of now the…
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dragging an list item smoothly in android

I have a list view with a set of items in it. I user the ACTION_DOWN, ACTION_MOVE, and ACTION_UP events to perform gesture detection on the list items. In ACTION_MOVE, I have the following line of code : mDownView.setTranslationX(deltaX); where…
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Is it possible to have one GestureDetector for ALL activities?

Is there a better way to implement a GestureDetetor to all activities instead of having to define a GestureDetector individually? In my scenario I have 10 activities for which I would like all of them to have the same behavior for Gestures. For…
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How to add our own gestures in android?

I am working on the gestures concept. I want know some thing about how to add our own gestures in android.For example if user drawn "O" symbol i want to make some events. Please share some tutorials and Snippet of the code.
Prudhvi Reddy
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How can i move my activity like slider when i swipe the page in android

I want to make a movement between my activity when I swipe the page. While I swipe the page, the pages have to come with my hand movement. I have detected the swipe direction using SimpleOnGestureListener and changed the activity on intent. But i'm…
1 answer

Android GestureDetector Swipe Up/Down vs. Left/Right

I'm using GestureDetector to change the view. It works, but how do I make so that it only changes when the user swipes from Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left and not Down-to-Up... Thanks in advance
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How do i make a gesture listener to be inactive during the first second after creating the class?

I´m having the following problem in my game: let´s say I have 5 screens on the lvl 3. Each screen has a class for itself. so i have 5 classes named lvl 3_1_0, 3_2_0 .... .... 3_5_0. I also have a gesture listener so when you swipe right it will go…
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How to add touch event to show latitude and longitude in a toast in OSM

How do I add this function below in my code? The url is this: how to add more marker in osm map in android please help me? I want to add feature to print toast message of every location where user touches on the screen and displays its latitude…
Hayya ANAM
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1 answer

Addressing the main layout in Android

I have an issue with the following passage. @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); GestureOverlayView gestureOverlayView = new GestureOverlayView(this); View inflate =…
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How could i drag it by using Gesture?

By using Gestures, can i able to drag like this image ? I mean, have to drag as a tick mark . So for this onClickListener must be used. After it performs,then it should be able to open another screen finally in a display part. When i use my hand, i…
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ImageView - implementing gestures (pinch zoom, double tap) compatible with ViewPager (just like Android Gallery)

I was looking for an effective way to implement gestures option to ImageView with ViewPager. I tried some examples, but they are not working well (e.g. pinch zoom actually is not zooming where I want to). In my app I need pinch zooming, double tap…
1 answer

Dissapear And Appear Admob AdView On User Activity and InActivity Android

I have a particular scenario where I want to hide the Admob AdView when the user has tapped the screen and show again after the 1 seconds of user inactivity on the application. I have am successfully hiding the AdView and showing it again after user…
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3 answers

Get Android Pixel Values

I have searched alot of this issue on google but unable to get any help.My question is how to get pixel position of android screen where the user has tapped?
1 answer

android tablerow edit gestures

enter code hereIn my android application , there is a populated tableview with favorite products. There is a delete functionality to delete products from the list. How can i show this to user that he can delete products? like in ios there is a…
Raheel Sadiq
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