Questions tagged [android-elevation]

Android elevation is a feature introduced in Android Lollipop 5.0, is part of new Google Material Design Recommendation. Also involves translationZ property.

Android elevation is a feature introduced in Android Lollipop 5.0, is part of new Google Material Design Recommendation. Also involves translationZ feature.

Material design introduces elevation for UI elements. Elevation helps users understand the relative importance of each element and focus their attention to the task at hand.

Assign Elevation to Your Views

197 questions
1 answer

React native elevation not looking good in tablet view but looking good in mobile view

React native elevation not looking good in tablet view but looking good in mobile view. I have given elevation as 5 for both mobile and tablet view for android. both the design shadow doesn't match. Is there a way i can achieve "shadowOffset" for…
1 answer

Android CardView inside RecyclerView - cardElevation cause unwanted margin & bottom shadow

In Android, I am using RecyclerView. For RecyclerView's item, I am using CardView as item's layout, with below xml layout:
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