Questions tagged [android-drawable]

In Android, a Drawable is a general abstraction for "something that can be drawn."

2841 questions
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How can download new sticker from server on my android application?

Let's talk about the problem directly. We are building a real-time chat application like WhatsApp or Facebook where we can send text messages with our own custom emojis. The emojis are sent to the end-user with text as sort code "jemmy [emoji code…
1 answer

Change background of drawable shape in the layout file

This is my drawable circular shape
mj sunny
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Play store bundle install application with wrong drawable resoucres

After last release App starts using wrong resolution drawables on some devices. Early, all was ok. What could be the problem? Release was did with usualy bundle. Yes, I know that we can change .png to .svg, and this solution will help with icons,…
0 answers

Splash WindowBackground not using `land` dimens

We're using an image as a splash background. In portrait, everything works great. I have dimens created for both portrait and landscape to fit the height and width of the image. In Landscape, it's still using the portrait dimens. This results in…
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1 answer

Is this image achievable through android drawable xml?

I'm trying to achieve the below image through Android xml Right now I could just achieve this with help of some SOF q&a Below are the code to achieve the above result
Ssubrat Rrudra
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2 answers

Is there any need to use different drawable folder version?

I have a app. Its minSdkVersion 23. In start I put some of my drawable items in drawable-v24. Everything goes fine untill, I test my app on sdk version 23(Android version 6). It crash my app by giving error Resources Not found. So I move my drawable…
Sahil Goyal
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1 answer

Android - How to create CheckBox drawable?

When using CheckBox, some Drawable for this "check" icon is created - AnimatedStateListDrawable. Is there any way to create this drawable programmatically without CheckBox? The only thing I've found inside CompoundButton class is this resource -…
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1 answer

Android drawable xml reverse corners

I'm trying to replicate the following shape in Android studio: I can't figure out how to do it in android drawable xml. At the moment I used a layer-list where: As the first item I placed a transparent (or white) rectangle, to which I gave a…
L. Gangemi
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Build a "login with google" button with drawable xml

I'm trying to get some confidence with the Android sistem UI by building some component all by myself, but I'm struggling a lot. I decided to build a "login with Google" button using the drawable xml. Here's my code. The button inside my…
L. Gangemi
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2 answers

Background of TextView not changing

I have scoured SO and nothing that I am finding has been able to fix this problem. I am trying to change the background drawable of a TextView depending on the text in the view using data-binding. TextView.xml
2 answers

Drawable behaves differently in different activity layouts in Android Studio

I have the following drawable: custom_yellow_button.xml in the drawable folder
1 answer

Android RemoteView set StateListDrawable programmatically

I have a Widget for my Android App. On this Widget there is a button. The user can freely choose the color of the button. So I also have to set the colors for the different button states dynamically. Normally, I would do something like this:
1 answer

How to create a pokemon evolution kind animation in Android

I want to create a basic "pokemon evolution" animation in my app , something like this: I've been playing with this: private void evolveAnimation(Pokemon selectedToEvolvePokemon) { Drawable backgrounds[] = new Drawable[2]; Resources res =…
0 answers

Is there a way to detect impression area android app

I would like to develop an app that can determine the shape and area of a user's thumb when they test it on the screen, I'm new to app development and was considering canvas and draw tools but this wouldn't achieve what I want. I know motion events…
1 answer

How to set drawable with text in button android

I am trying to set drawable in my button but its not showing properly. Here is what I want to achieve but I am unable to get the required results. This is what I am doing
Zohab Ali
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