Questions tagged [android-debugging]

33 questions
2 answers

Inspect button not available for Chrome on remote device in Chrome developer tools

Problem So I got my phone showing up as a device in Remote Devices in Chrome Developer tools. but the version of Chrome is missing the list of tabs in Chrome is missing which means the inspect button is missing More Information I have adb…
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onClickListener for a button text to change based on edit text

I have the following code but it changes the button text to empty. I'm basically trying to change the the button's text when it clicked to whatever the user types into the edit text field I have. Everything seems to work, however, when I click on…
1 answer

Android Studio - how to diff two nested objects in debugger?

Let's say I have an object with a lot of nested objects and variables named credential: After resume program, and re-enter the activity again as different login user: What's the best way to diff this two objects all in once ? .e.g accountName…
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Unable to Open my App in other Devices?

My Application runs finely when i run..but it does not open on Some other Android devices..Here i include my screenshots + Android Manifest..please help me.. Screenshot Android Manifest.xml
Ajay Jayendran
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4 answers

How to check the which activity is currently running while debugging the app

I am stuck with a project developed by someone else. Its a very big app. So for the purpose of understanding the code I want to know the flow, basically the name of the activity(the java file in the code) which is currently running in on my phone. I…
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No, minSDk(API 14) > deviceSdk(API 1)

I have been given a device(ZTE Qlux 4g) by a client as a testing device for some app. I work on Ubuntu 14.04. This same phone will be distributed to 500 cab drivers, so I can't avoid testing on this phone. I'm not getting this error on any other…
Pranav Mahajan
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Xamarin android debugging taking a lot of time?

I am creating an application in Xamarin Android, the problem is my application Takes a lot of time(around two to three minutes) for debugging even in second or plus attempt and even when I don't do any changes. I have enabled fast deployment in…
Asad Ullah
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Refresh speed of the urls opened [Remote Debugging]

I'm experiencing a problem when the user from an app opens a url on mobile chrome. The open url is that of the bank where the user must perform the SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) and enter the OTP code. If the user uses the factory browser…
0 answers

Comparing different adb logs

Does anyone know of any proper way to compare adb logs of different timestamp? I normally use Beyond compare text compare option. but that will show all the lines as different since the timestamp will be different. If I want to compare the workflow…
0 answers

Forcing different ABI from Android Studio “Debug ‘app’ (^D)” button

I’m struggling to get my Run/Debug configuration to do what I want when I press the “Debug ‘app’ (^D)” button on the toolbar in Android Studio. My app includes native code which compiles to both armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a. I want to test the 32-bit…
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1 answer

Android Studio Variables not appearing in OnClickListener body

I'm working in android studio using the debugger. var loginButton = findViewById
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Application not installed error Developing Android app

I developed an app recently and send it to a shop in our country called CafeBazaar to put it for sale but in an email they said: we installed this app on Huawei P8lite with android 6.0 and we got this error "Application not installed" Now I…
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Android studio debug working on the main activity, but not do anything with other activities

I have a problem with Android studio 3.0.1, I'm trying to debug my app on virtual device. The debugger is stopped only on breakpoints in the Main Activity, but ignore all breakpoints in the other activities How to solve this?
0 answers

How to step through an Android app from another country

I can't recreate the bug here and the app is communicating with a Bluetooth device that I don't have here. I want to be able to run the app and step through it line by line but I am in a different country so I don't have access to the phone and…
1 answer

Out of Memory Error while Debugging on android device

This is the error which appear while debugging on my android device. But, while running my application on the Emulator, it returns everything completely correct. E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main java.lang.OutOfMemoryError …