Questions tagged [android-camerax]

If your issue is related to observed behavior, rather than API usage, please include information about the specific device (even if the device is an emulator).

512 questions
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Why doesn't Camera2 API work on some devices?

I am working on a camera app. I need to capture videos and save them. I have created a project using Camera2 API instead of Camera API. However, the application doesn't work on my phone (Marshmallow 6.0) but it does work in the emulator (Android…
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Image resolution capped on 1024x1024 CameraX

I am using CameraX to capture images in my Android app. The problem I have is I cant change image resolution. Or I should say I cant change it to higher than 1024x1024. I am trying to change capture resolution to 1920x1080, using aspect ratio and…
1 answer

How to start camera preview in 240 fps range in android using CameraX?

I want to start my camera preview in 240 fps only. I am able to start the preview using CameraX android jetpack library but it is giving me 30 fps. I want to get 240 fps when I open my camera.
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Can I read the opened camera intent from my so

I built a face detection app that is working fine, the user can: open the camera intent take a picture then it will screen this picture and tell if there is a face in it or no. My idea is I don't need the user to open the camera from my app I need…
2 answers

Why doesn't CameraXBasic project merge two layout files into one?

The following code is from CameraXBasic project Github The CameraFragment.kt loads fragment_camera.xml first, then loads camera_ui_container.xml. I find it strange that CameraXBasic project doesn't merge the two layout files both fragment_camera.xml…
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CameraX Analyzer glitching preview

I am using CameraX Analyzer use-case to detect circles in an image using OpenCV Hough Circles, but even though I believe I am using a separate thread to do this analysis, the camera preview gets really slow sometimes when it gets too many detected…
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Selecting the stream type for Android Camera2 or CameraX

I need to programmaticaly read pixel values from the camera stream identified by CAM_STREAM_TYPE_PREVIEW stream type. In CameraX API, this stream is exposed via interface. However, I need programmatic access to the…
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Need pointers in choosing the right way to capture camera input

For a project, I set up a small android application which communicates via TCP with a server, which is my PC. My goal is to basically stream camera input to the server, evaluate them through means of CV, and send a a simple response back. Being a…
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On some devices captured image is automatically rotated

So I noticed that on some devices my captured image (bitmap) is weirdly rotated - to 90 degrees usually. I did create a function that can rotate it correctly, but the problem now is, that sometimes the image comes in (is captured) perfectly okay. Is…
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Can i capture only top of image with cameraX?

I want to capture the top of an image with cameraX I know we can apply a ratio on image but when I do that the ratio is applied on the center of the image I look on different method in ImageCaptureConfig.Builder but i found nothing relevant val…
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Camerax VideoCapture max duration limit

I am using Camerax to record a video, one of the requirement is to set the maximum duration to 15 seconds, how to do that?
Alaa Osta
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Problem with the android.permission.CAMERA failure

I'm trying to implement the CameraX preview from the [Android developer site][1] I don't know why I'm getting this error even when I added the permissions in my manifests. When I open the QR scanner activity the preview is just black screen. I have…
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How to get bitmap stream from camera using CameraX?

I have no idea how to get bitmap stream using CameraX. Please provide me some information. I have no idea how to do that.
Hello World
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How can I show camera inside app using CameraX

I want show camera inside my app using CameraX instead of CameraView because I found that is Deprecated and they recommend use Jetpack CameraX instead. Furthermore , I tried find post talking about how to show camera inside my app using CameraX but…
2 answers

Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved. Please make sure you have the required dependencies in the classpath

I'm trying out the new CameraX, have followed the instructions mentioned here And I get the following error, e: Supertypes of the following classes cannot…
Sivakumar S
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