Questions tagged [android-appwidget]

Android App Widgets are custom views that can be placed on the home screen of an Android device.

Android App Widgets are custom views that can be placed on the homescreen of an Android device.

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947 questions
1 answer

Android Appwidget stops updating when adding second type of AppWidget to App

I have an application which has an Appwidget. All works well. Now I have decided to add a second AppWidget to my application. I have created a second receiver in my manifest and new provider class etc. I think I have it all wired correctly as I am…
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Add button and functionality yo appWidget

Ok y'all, I'm trying to learn here. I just learned how to create a basic appWidget and it works so far. Now try as I might, I do not understand how to add an image button to my appWidget. I mean it's been physically added to the xml file named…
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Flutter app returns "The getter 'length' was called on null"

I was writing my code this week and I got an error. I can't solve the problem because I am new at this language. Error: The following NoSuchMethodError was thrown while handling a gesture: The getter 'length' was called on null. Receiver: null…
2 answers

How to register BroadcastReceiver without an Activity for an App Widget?

I have built an app widget that simply fetches data at regular intervals so it has no activities; not even a config activity. Is it possible to register a broadcast receiver using the following code without the use of an…
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how can i put appwidget on my view and let it updated itself?

how can i put appwidget on my view and let it updated itself??now,i can put the remoteviews on my activity,but it seems not update itself, how can i make it update itself?
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1 answer

What is the name of that widget

Can you please tell me the name of that widget shown in the image below " on the right"? I want to learn how to use it and find some tutorial for it but i do not know how it is called
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3 answers

Adding Android AppWidget just for one Product Flavor

I have two gradle product flavors: for prod and for stage server. productFlavors { stage { // stage specific stuff } production { // production only } } Also I have an AppWidget must be…
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How to "glue" two Android applications into one?

I am currenty working on two applications in Android Studio. The first one is using a sensor from which reveices data and makes some computations regarding them and the second one is an Augmented Reality application(using Metaio) who detects human…
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1 answer

android unable to start receiver java.lang.NullPointerException

i created appwidget and i try to show json's items'(image's and text) in my appwidget(stackview widget) i successfully created app widget and i also can show json in widget but when i should click in widget i have error NullPointerException this is…
1 answer

How can I call my widget?

I want to create my widget on the home page after I hit a button in my app. The class of my widget is called Widget_p and my main layout is :
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1 answer

How to make my android widget wait until i fetch content

i'm working on an android widget that fetches content from my api. What i'm using now is a custom function that uses a callback included in onUpdate => api.getLastItems(MyCallback). MyWidget provider : public void onUpdate(Context _context,…
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1 answer

Adding appwidget of application just after its installation

I have installed a receiver application on device which listen to the package added intent and executes code when my application is installed Now I want that receiver to put appwidget of the application on homescreen Please let me know how it can be…
2 answers

Can't run my App on Android Studio cause by Error inflating class androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout

this the error that I get :( what is the reason? FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.example.sinagtala, PID: 24124 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.sinagtala/com.example.sinagtala.MainActivity}:…
1 answer

android - how to call running service class's method on click of widget?

I am new with AppWidgetProvider and service class in android.Here i'm trying to do 2 things: 1 - get click listner of widget in which i want to call isservicerunning() method which is defined below. 2-in isservicerunning() method if returns…
1 answer

Android app widget, custom fonts

I have a question about widgets in android. I've created a simple digital clock with appWidgetProvider using TextClock. My question is if there's an option to use a custom font for TextClock. I used android: fontfamily, but i don't want to use…
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