Questions tagged [android-alarms]

Android alarms is the facility provided by Android through AlarmManager to start an intent at a given time (by passing a pending intent).

Android alarms is the facility provided by Android through AlarmManager to start an intent at a given time (by passing a PendingIntent) which can be used to start an activity or a service or send a broadcast.

AlarmManager Class Reference

1165 questions
2 answers

Open Activity from Android Alarmmanager

i've found these Toturials for an Alarmmanager: It's one that is not using Broadcast. But it is not saying what I should put into my Manifest-File thus an…
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how make service start once android app turn on?

i need to do something at the background but i need this service alive once the app turn on although , i need to do at background always even the phone at sleep mode ?? i try to do service but this service after the phone go to sleep mode the…
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Creating my own alarmclock Activity

im trying to create an alarm clock application which do a spesific actions once the alarm goes off and im running into some troubles: first, i was playing around with the AlarmClock() class, which has few values i can set-up Intent i = new…
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setting multiple notifications at different times- android

I need to create multiple notifications at multiple times. The time when the notification is supposed to appear is fetched into the event_id,etc.time for notification is set in another class. What happens with the code below is, for a notification…
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Why my alarm not working with BOOT_COMPLETED

My app work when my android is not restart but when I turn off my Android the app not working despite I add BOOT_COMPLETED. I have looked for similar questions but all of them work just as I do, I do not know what is wrong Manifest
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Alarm manager and broadcast receiver in force closed app

I want to do some network job periodically even when app if force closed. Now it works until it's force closed. What i am missing? Also if i add to manifest this: android:process=":remote" - it's not triggering onReceive method (like app is force…
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How to set notifications for particular days like, 1 day, 3days, 7 days and 28 days respectively

I am working on a project where I need to set alarm at different times like after 1 day, 3days, 7days, 28 days if user left the app. I am able to set the alarm for everyday easily using Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance(); …
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Unable to set schedule time accurately on 6.0 and above

I'm trying to make an app where it requires schedule time to be accurate. I need to reset the log(driver duty info) generated within app at a specific time. I tried to use setAlarm but its not working accurately on 6.0 and above. As it should work…
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AlarmManager doesn't works properly

I programatically set fire AlarmManager every 10 seconds, This code works on all devices except the one I relly need. On this device it calls every 60 seconds Question: is there any limitation/configuration settings…
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package does not exist?

When I cloned Android's default alarm in Anroid Open Source Project @ and tried to run it on Android Studio I got the following error: package does…
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Alam fire only recently sending values

I'm using two buttons like btn1 and btn2,and also I'm using time-picker dialog for both buttons. btn1 select 7.50 am and btn2 select 8.10am, if i send 7.50am value via Bluetooth then alarm fire,if i send 8.10 am value then alarm fire only 8.10 am…
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Replace Service with AlarmManager in Android

I have an android service to fetch data from the web that runs every fifteen minutes public class SparkService extends Service { Handler handler; public SparkService() { } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int…
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What components are required for an alarm app in Android?

Is the main class JobScheduler? Most things i've read about JobScheduler are about setting up jobs in the future, but those jobs they talk about are like for wifi downloads or something. Would this be the same case for an alarm clock app? What…
albert kim
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How to make alarm play on specified days of week?(But alarm must play every week)?

I am programming alarm clock for myself and i got that problem. I also want to use the solution of my problem to set specified(by me) loud of alarm and ringtone. Please, show the code, if possible?
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Android App is asking to share Bug report? Why is this?

I just learned Android from scratch and built an app with simple process using Android Studio. The app has one process with repeating Alarm manager which will toast a message after 10 mins. That's it. However, once I install it on a real device,…
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