Questions tagged [android-accessibility]

Adding accessibility to apps increases the app's reach and versatility

Android apps aim to be usable by everyone, including people with disabilities.

Common disabilities that affect a person's use of an Android device include blindness or low vision, color blindness, deafness or impaired hearing, and restricted motor skills. When you develop apps with accessibility in mind, you make the user experience better, particularly for users with these disabilities.

In most cases, making your Android app more accessible doesn't require extensive code restructuring. Rather, it means working through the subtle details of how users interact with your app and providing appropriate feedback to users based on their interactions

  • Labeling UI Elements with content description
  • Creating announcement groups
  • Adding keyboard navigation to apps
  • Appropriate touch/tap target size
  • Have adequate color contrast between UI elements, texts again background views

The official documentation has more detail

314 questions
2 answers

Accessibility service: get views you can interact with instantly (same as Voice Access)?

The goal is to obtain views that can be interacted with instantly (that can be clicked right now and something would happen). If the view is visible and clickable in general but hovered by another view/menu/side panel, it should be omitted. Voice…
3 answers

Android TalkBack for SeekBar values

So I have a SeekBar in my app and I'm using the TalkBack function of Android. When the SeekBar is scrolled, the device says "(android:contentDescription of view), SeekBar control, 50%". Is it possible to change it so it says the actual value (from…
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Android Accessibility - unable to announce TextViews as a Header or link

I have some TextViews that I would like to announce as a header or a link in Talkback mode. Currently, it just announces the text inside the TextView, but I would like it to say "Heading" afterwards, or "link" depending on the TextView. For example,…
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uiautormator always IllegalStateException:accessibilityservice already registered

i use uiautomator in junitTest, in "@BeforeClass" i init a UiDevice: ""mUIDevice = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()); first i finsh a test,then i start a test again, i got a error: java.lang.IllegalStateException:…
2 answers

Navigate between headings with swipe while using talkback

Android 9 has introduced accessibilityHeading tag, which can be used by talkback to announce the Headings. Look for Heading-based navigation In my app I have multiple Textviews in my…
0 answers

Android Accessibility with ConstraintLayout

I want to add Accessibility features to my Android app. To provide the best UX for users, I need to add focusable="true" and contentDescription tags to all control elements on the screen. The problem is, I have used ConstraintLayout. For example, I…
1 answer

Android TalkBack: Is there a Listener to catch all Accessibility Events?

Background: What is the problem My app has this acronym for a word let us assume it is ABC When I use Google's voice service it reads out the letters which is great However when I use Samsung Voice (S Voice), it reads it out as 1 word which is not…
Ersen Osman
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How to disable talkback functionality whenever my app is active?

I am developing an android app for the blind community.In my application, I am handling all taps/touches with TTS/audio file.It works fine, but when user turns on TalkBack functionality all taps/touches are dictated twice. First, it will dictate by…
Maaz Patel
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1 answer

How to make TalkBack read TextView error message automatically?

I'm currently making my app accessible and I'm having problem with my EditTexts: In every EditText, the user's input is being validated at some point (e.g. after pressing a button) and if the input is invalid, I show an error using…
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Talkback focus goes to toolbar items when recyclerview within nestedscrollview is scrolled

I have a nestedscrollview within my layout which contains few texts, buttons and recyclerviews. When talkback is on, I am able to traverse through all elements. But I face an issue. When my horizontal recyclerview is scrolled and then I swipe to…
1 answer

Android - System settings for accessibility font size are not applied if using androidx

We're trying to make our apps more accessible, and one of the things we're looking at is supporting larger font sizes when configured from the system settings. We noticed that on Android 7.0 (and probably earlier versions too), the system font sizes…
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Stop Talkback, saying Webview after it loads

Similar question has been asked previously too, but it's long time ago and having no answers. First time when the webview gets loaded , talkback says webview but I want it to say nothing. I tried setting content description in XML …
1 answer

How to tell TalkBack a custom view is being used as a button

I’m using a custom view as a button on Android, which doesn't inherit from android.widget.Button. What is the best way of telling the accessibility services it's a button? Is it enough to just call setClickable(true) on the view? With a standard…
1 answer

Several apps which draw view over other apps with help Accessibility service doesn't work at the same time

I have two Accessibility services in two different apps on a device. Each of them draws some view over other apps. I faced with the following problem: when 2 Accessibility services are enabled, only one draws view, another one doesn't get any…
Ruslan Leshchenko
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3 answers

Can I give an additional label for a TextView that's only announced by TalkBack, not shown visually?

Say I have a list of items, and one of the views in each item is a message, in a simple TextView, that is populated in code (dynamic data from a backend service).
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