Questions tagged [amazon-web-services]

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a public-cloud: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) provided by Amazon. Questions about programming and architecture are on topic. General server help can be obtained at The AWS tag is rarely used alone and will usually be used with other tags to more clearly define the topic of the question.

If you need help setting up AWS resources, ask those questions on Server Fault.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a public-cloud: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) provided by Amazon from multiple data-centers worldwide. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis. With AWS you can utilize computing power (virtual machine instances), storage, and networking, a variety of databases and file stores, messaging systems, and a lot more, as your needs scale up or down.

SDKs to access and manage Amazon Web Services are provided in a multitude of programming languages, including PHP, Java, .NET, Nodejs, Python, and more. The services are also accessible through REST and SOAP APIs, the command-line interface, and a web-console.


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117273 questions
3 answers

Laravel s3 multiple buckets

My Laravel application needs to manipulate files present in multiple buckets simultaneously into a single session. So, I couldn't find a way to change several times the current bucket, since my .env file is like…
Leandro Ferreira
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1 answer

Stream support for local dynamodb?

I can't seem to get stream support working in dynamo db local, are they supported? The only indication I could find that they are, is the very last bullet point in…
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3 answers

Cloudformation Template format error: Every DeletionPolicy member must be a string

Hi I am trying to use the "IF" Function just like mentioned in cloud formation documentation for RDS DeletionPolicy, but for some reason it says that my function does not return a string. AWS Documentation on conditional statements here is the…
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4 answers

How can I get the bytes of a GetObjectResponse from S3?

I'm retrieving a file from Amazon S3. I want to convert the file to bytes so that I can download it as follows: var download = new FileContentResult(bytes, "application/pdf"); download.FileDownloadName = filename; return download; I have the file…
Erica Stockwell-Alpert
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2 answers

How do you delete an AWS EMR Cluster?

I've been playing around with AWS EMR and I now have a few clusters that are terminated and that I want to delete: However, there is no obvious option to delete them. How do I make them go away?
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6 answers

Access Denied using boto3 through aws Lambda

I use the data processing pipeline constructed of S3 + SNS + Lambda becasue S3 can not send notificaiton out of its storage region so I made use of SNS to send S3 notification to Lambda in other region. The lambda function coded with from…
Hello lad
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5 answers

AWS Lambda function REST API end point - 403 error

I have an AWS Lambda function that is exposed as a REST API. When it is invoked it via the Test button on aws lambda console, it works. When it is invoked via a online REST client, i get 403 error. It was created as requiring - no authentication…
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4 answers

AWS load balancer and maintenance page

I'm using AWS Load Balancer with 3 EC2 servers, and I'm trying to serve a Maintenance page when site is under maintenance. This page need to return 503 HTTP code, because it is a proper code for a maintenance mode and will prevent possible problems…
4 answers

ValidationException: The provided key element does not match the schema

I created a table 'user_info' in DynamoDB with one primary hash key 'user_id'(String), no range key. Then I created 2 AWS lambda functions to insert and query the items. I can insert items into the table, but when I query the table, it…
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2 answers

Dynamodb query error - Query key condition not supported

I am trying to query my dynamodb table to get feed_guid and status_id = 1. But it returns Query key condition not supported error. Please find my table schema and query. $result =$dynamodbClient->createTable(array( 'TableName' =>…
Arun SS
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2 answers

GZIP Compression on static Amazon S3 files

I would like to implement GZIP compression on my site. I've implemented it on IIS and the HTML page is compressed successfully as expected. Now the issue is with CSS and JS file, which I get from Amazon S3. They are not at all compressed. I wanted…
RaJesh RiJo
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1 answer

Fetching All Items with DynamoDBMapper

I want to get all of the records from a Dynamo DB table and have them mapped into an array of POJOs; The POJO is simple and already annotated. DynamoDBMapper appears to be the object that will do a fetch to acquire the records and deserialize them…
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3 answers

Best practice for polling an AWS SQS queue and deleting received messages from queue?

I have an SQS queue that is constantly being populated by a data consumer and I am now trying to create the service that will pull this data from SQS using Python's boto. The way I designed it is that I will have 10-20 threads all trying to read…
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1 answer

Is it possible to move EC2 volumes to Amazon Glacier without having to download and upload it?

I am trying to reduce costs of my AWS system. I thought of moving some volumes I rarely use to Amazon Glacier, but I don't find any way I can do it inside AWS besides downloading the volume and uploading to Glacier, which sounds terrible. I am…
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4 answers

Cross-compile node module with native bindings with node-gyp

I'm using AWS Lambda, which involves creating an archive of my node.js script, including the node_modules folder and uploading that to their infrastructure to run. This works fine, except when it comes to node modules with native bindings (using…
Josh Hunt
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