Questions tagged [amazon-elasticache]

Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an in-memory cache in the cloud. Amazon ElastiCache improves the performance of web applications by allowing you to retrieve information from a fast, managed, in-memory caching system. The service simplifies and offloads the management, monitoring and operation of in-memory cache environments, enabling your engineering resources to focus on developing applications.

Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an in-memory cache in the cloud. Amazon ElastiCache improves the performance of web applications by allowing you to retrieve information from a fast, managed, in-memory caching system, instead of relying entirely on slower disk-based databases. The service simplifies and offloads the management, monitoring and operation of in-memory cache environments, enabling your engineering resources to focus on developing applications. Using Amazon ElastiCache, you can not only improve load and response times to user actions and queries, but also reduce the cost associated with scaling web applications.

Amazon ElastiCache automates common administrative tasks required to operate a distributed cache environment. Using Amazon ElastiCache, you can add a caching layer to your application architecture in a matter of minutes via a few clicks of the AWS Management Console. Once a cache cluster is provisioned, Amazon ElastiCache automatically detects and replaces failed cache nodes, providing a resilient system that mitigates the risk of overloaded databases, which slow website and application load times. Through integration with Amazon CloudWatch monitoring, Amazon ElastiCache provides enhanced visibility into key performance metrics associated with your cache nodes. Amazon ElastiCache is protocol-compliant with Memcached, a widely adopted memory object caching system, so code, applications, and popular tools that you use today with your existing Memcached environments will work seamlessly with the service. As with all Amazon Web Services, there are no up-front investments required, and you pay only for the resources you use.

650 questions
1 answer

Spring Cache: Using memcached as a distributed cache

For a number of java services we're using AWS ElastiCache as a distributed cache integrated by Spring Cache abstraction and spymemcached. In one service I see the behaviour that i get a diffent type of result than I expect, leading to a…
1 answer

What is the best option to deploy Redis on docker for Production?

I am trying to deploy my flask application with on docker with Redis as a container. I have docker-compose and everything setup and running. I am not running docker swamp though. I keep reading conflicting information on the internet about the best…
1 answer

ElastiCache on aws EC2

I have implemented the Elastic Search by installing it into the EC2 as well as consuming the Managed service from aws. Is there any similar way to install the ElastiCache into the EC2 rather than using managed service from AWS. If there is, how it…
1 answer

How can I cache ID tokens from cognito for subsequent hits to API gateway?

How to implement this scenario in AWS? The user hits an API endpoint in API gateway, Cognito is used for verification. The user passes access id (after successful Cognito verification) to API gateway, then once the access token is exchanged with id…
1 answer

SQL server RDS with elasticccahe

Can RDS SQL Server be integrated with Elasticache. Can SQL server read replica be created?
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