Questions tagged [amazon-elastic-beanstalk]

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) service from Amazon Web Services that allows users to create applications and push them to a definable set of AWS services.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) service from Amazon Web Services that allows users to create applications and push them to a definable set of AWS services, including Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), Amazon CloudWatch, auto scaling, and elastic load balancers.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Documentation

7895 questions
9 answers

Where can I find the Tomcat 7 installation folder on Linux AMI in Elastic Beanstalk?

I have a elastic beanstalk linux-tomcat ami instance with the sample application installed and working off the public dns. I'm able to ssh into the instance but cannot find where tomcat 7 lives (ie. the conf directory to edit server.xml). I've…
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4 answers

Pause an Elastic Beanstalk app environment?

I want to shut down the app servers while I upgrade the database. Is there a way to pause or stop the app servers without terminating/destroying the environment? Can I just go to the Elastic Beanstalk load balancer and change that temporarily…
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3 answers

Where does elastic beanstalk t2 server store my node.js app files?

From an architecture perspective I'm trying to get a better understand of how and where files deployed to eb (t2) server are stored. I see some .zip files in s3 that show when I upload something via the eb interface, though how/where exactly does…
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4 answers

Elastic Beanstalk without Elastic Load Balancer

I would like to switch off Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) for my Elastic Beanstalk environment. Currently I don't need it and I don't want to pay for it. It is possible to delete the ELB in EC2 managment window but then Elastic Beanstalk health state…
4 answers

How to change the AWS account using the Elastic Beanstalk CLI

I deployed an app using elastic beanstalk to my personal AWS account..Now I want to change the AWS credentials so the eb cli knows to deploy to a different account. But it does not ask me for the AWS keys when I type "eb init". Where do I specify…
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8 answers

How to get Elastic Beanstalk nginx-backed proxy server to auto-redirect from HTTP to HTTPS?

I've got a Node.js powered site that I'm running on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. My Node.js app listens on port 8080, and I'm using the nginx elastic load balancer configuration with my EB app, listening on port 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS. However,…
2 answers

Deploy a .NET Windows Service with Amazon Elastic Beanstalk with no Web Application

I want to create an Elastic Beanstalk configuration that allows me to deploy a .NET Windows Service but without deploying a web application. I have just read this blog post which explains how to use .ebextensions to deploy a Windows Service…
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5 answers

avoid rebuilding node_modules in elastic beanstalk

We have a fairly simple node.js app, but due to AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment mechanism, it takes about 5 minutes to roll-out a new version (via git aws.push) even after a single file commit. I.e. the commit itself (and upload) is fast (only 1…
7 answers

Elastic Beanstalk disable health state change based on 4xx responses

I have a rest api running on Elastic Beanstalk, which works great. Everything application-wise is running good, and working as expected. The application is a rest api, used to lookup different users. example url:…
Martin Hansen
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6 answers

How can I commit a single file using SVN over a network?

I am able to check out an entire svn repository using the following command: svn co But I cannot figure out the command to commit a single file. If I make to change to myapp/page1.html. How can I…
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6 answers

cannot deploy - ERROR: You cannot have more than 500 Application Versions

I get the following error when deploying to EB: ERROR: You cannot have more than 500 Application Versions. Either remove some Application Versions or request a limit increase. I went manually and deleted some versions. I don't want deploys to…
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1 answer

Celery: WorkerLostError: Worker exited prematurely: signal 9 (SIGKILL)

I use Celery with RabbitMQ in my Django app (on Elastic Beanstalk) to manage background tasks and I daemonized it using Supervisor. The problem now, is that one of the period task that I defined is failing (after a week in which it worked properly),…
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5 answers

Your WSGIPath refers to a file that does not exist

I'm trying to upload my Flask application to AWS however I receive an error on doing so: Your WSGIPath refers to a file that does not exist. After doing some digging online I found that in the .ebextensions folder, I should specify the path. There…
Pav Sidhu
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3 answers

what is difference between commands and container commands in elasticbean talk

In aws elasticbean talk. When we setup extensions in .ebextensions i wonder what is difference between commands and container_commands My command is like this container_commands: 04_insert_app: command: "cat .ebextensions/insertapp_job.txt >…
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4 answers

Accessing environment variables in AWS Beanstalk ebextensions

I am trying to access an environment variable that I have defined in the AWS Beanstalk configuration. I need to access it within a config file in .ebextensions or in a file that is copied in place in a config file. I have tried the…
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