Questions tagged [allure]

The Allure Framework is a flexible, lightweight multi-language test report tool, with the possibility of adding to the report of additional information such as screenshots, logs and so on.

Allure Framework is a lightweight multi-language test report tool. It transforms standard unit-test framework (junit, nunit, phpunit) results into pretty-looking dynamic web reports. You can add all the required information (such as screenshots, server logs or related jira tickets) to the final report.


811 questions
0 answers

Access allure reports while test is running

We're using TestNG+Allure reports for our java testing infrastructure. The test might take up to 4 hours to run. We want to see the reports of tests that are already done in the suite. Can I see a report in between? How can one implement it? I'm…
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1 answer

AllureConfig output directory path NUnit3

I have created a simple test class and added [AllureNUnit] attribute to test class according to this [TestFixture] [AllureNUnit] public class Class1 { [Test] public void CreateHierarchy() { } } I also created allureConfig.json file…
Alexcei Shmakov
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1 answer

Is Allure report supported by Travis?

I couldn't find any information about integration of Allure report with Travis. Is it possible to generate Allure report on Travis?
Maxim Vershinin
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2 answers

How to generate allure report that carries the history information.

I have a bash script to run the selenium test case in docker. And last step of this script is to generate the allure report of the test results, such as: export ALLURE_IMAGE=beeete2/docker-allure2 export PROJECT_DIR=selenium-suites export…
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1 answer

Gradle refuse to start process command 'cmd'

I'm encountering issue with a custom gradle task. Seems like gradle refuse to start a command line process. Here is the custom task: task generateAllure(type: Exec) { workingDir "$projectDir/allure/bin" if…
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2 answers

Turn off archiving of Allure report

Allure commandline 2.6.0; Jenkins ver. 2.89.3; I am using the following script (no any other post-build settings in job settings): stage('Generate reports') { allure([includeProperties: false, reportBuildPolicy: 'ALWAYS', results…
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5 answers

How to customize allure report title and logo

Below attached allure report image that generated via allure. Would like to customize report title and logo (image highlighted yellow) with my own title and logo instead of ALLURE REPORT and default logo. Appreciate your help.
Kasun Caldera
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1 answer

Build step 'Allure Report' changed build result to UNSTABLE

While running tests in Jenkins even if all tests finished successfully, I see the following record in Console output: Build step 'Allure Report' changed build result to UNSTABLE. [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time…
0 answers

Allure reports - Only one report getting generated with parallel execution using selenium grid

I am using selenium grid and cucumber for parallel execution on multiple devices. Recently I tried to implement the allure framework for reporting and the report was fabulous. Unfortunately, when I run multiple devices parallely using grid, only one…
1 answer

How to serve Allure Report without automatically starting the browser

When i start the allure, the server always attempts to start the browser: $ /home/allure/allure-2.3.4/bin/allure serve target/allure-results -p 5012 Generating report to temp directory... Report successfully generated to…
0 answers

How to build aggregated Allure report from launches in several Jenkins instances?

We have several Jenkins and several repositories with cucumber and selenium tests. Is there a way to build aggregated Allure report for launches in several Jenkins instances?
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2 answers

Allure serve command to update realtime and make use of the advanced features(trends, history, etc)

The way I am creating the Allure report is by creating the XMLs with the allure plugin for pytest, like so pytest --alluredir C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\Allure\xml Here will generate a hand-full of XMLs and txt files. As expected. Next I…
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1 answer

cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Couldn't load plugin class: io.qameta.allure.cucumberjvm.AllureCucumberJvm

I've integrated Alluer to my cucumber automation project. After the integration, I can run the tests from feature files, and generate the report successfully as well. However, when I try to run the test from test entry class, there was an Exception…
Shi Tim
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3 answers

How to show data for Launches, Environment, Trend and Executors in Allure Report

I am using allure 2.1.1. Allure Report is only showing executed test in Overview tab. How to show data for Launches, Environment, Trend and Executors.
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1 answer

Deep customize Allure report pages

I am looking at the docs, and I can't get any progress in customizing the allure report. I do generate the report using the python version of the allure tool. the output is nice, but it is the default one, and I can't find a way to make changes to…