Questions tagged [3-tier]

For issues relating to setting up and utilizing a 3-tier architecture.

3-tier is a software architecture in which the presentation layer, business access layer and data access layer are developed and maintained as independent modules, sometimes on separate platforms.

360 questions
1 answer

Difference between MVC and 3-tiers architecture

After a lot of reading i still unable to understand the difference between the design pattern MVC and 3-tier architecture. I see that the model in mvc is the same as business layer in 3-tier. In all websites i searched in, i found that MVC is an…
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2 answers

C# - 3 Tier Architecture. Error says No overload for method name takes 0 arguments

I am using 3 tier architecture in my C# Window Form. The thing I want to do is, hide the button if the data is exists. Here are my codes. Class File public bool checkIfExists(Variables variables) { // BelPar SqlCommand check = new…
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2 answers

Couldn't call server side method using Ajax

I am using 3-tier architecture for demo application. I am trying to call business logic layer method from presentation layer using Ajax. But It is showing error. I think there is some mistake in passing url. Here is the Ajax call from Index.aspx…
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2 answers

Business layer, presentation layer, Data layer

I went through and spent all my time on almost all links and sources about these topics: BUSINESS LAYER, PRESENTATION LAYER, DATA ACCESS LAYER. But still i don't understand it because different sources, different usage, it confuses me a lot. Now…
1 answer

error while deleting row in gridview via 3 tier

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. This is the error which i m getting while i trying to delete .. row from my grid view this is in .. page_ load gvDetails.DataSource…
1 answer

Why i got this error ? No connection string named '' could be found in the application config file

I have a DAL project using entity framework. I refer the project into BAL project, when i execute the BAL project. i got the error like "No connection string named 'StudentEntities' could be found in the application config file." Then i copied…
2 answers

How to save Output Data into XML File Microsoft visual Studio 2010

public AdvertisementDAL selectAdvertisementLocation1(DateTime now, string gender) { AdvertisementDAL dal = null; string sql = "Select * From Advertisement Where @currentDate between StartDate AND EndDate AND TargetAudience =…
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3 answers

java SE or java EE for 3-tier apps

I want to build a 3-tiers system for EHS(Electronic Health Record) or EMS(Electronic Medical Record), but since i don't have much time '10 days' i want to take the simplest fastest complete route, so wich platform to use? java SE : I am familiar…
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1 answer

Layer cannot access the methods used in the layer it references

I have 3 projects in the same solution, 3-tier architecture. However I am failing to show my presentations in the presentation layer I get the error CS0103, my thought is that the layer cannot access the methods used in the layer it references. If…
3 answers

I want to check the username is already exists in my database table or not?

i have registration page and i want to check that username is already exist in database or not in 3 tier architecture. MyRegistration.cs: public static int checkusername(string user_txt) { int id2 = 0; string selectstr = "select * from xyz…
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4 answers

How to find forgot password from the database?

i have one project in which i want to send forgot password mail but i am not able to find user name and password from the database it is sending blank mail like UserName : and Password : i want to find user name and password from the data base in 3…
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1 answer

3 Tier connectivity in Java

I' am building a application program in Java EE as a front end and MySQL as a back end for database... I wanted to establish a 3-tier connectivity between the database and the forms in Java. What all would i need? Will i need an application program…
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Best architecture for a web app with highly sensitive data

I have to design a web app that contains medical information. Only the staff of the organization need to access the data in the office and on the go. A VPN is already in place. On premise server management is outsourced to a company with limited…
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3 answers

Getting trouble in Login Page 3-Tire architecture

Bussiness Access Layer : public static int login(string userlogin, string pwdlogin) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString(); con.Open(); int id = 0; …
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1 answer

Getting an error 'An unhandled exception of type StackOverflowException' between several classes

HI i am using 3 tire architecture for my project i am getting follpwing error : An unhandled exception of type ' namespace Dal_AddTranction { public class Add_Trancation_Dal { Add_Tranction_UI ObjAdd = new Add_Tranction_UI(); …
Adesh Gaonkar
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