I can't use * in assembly version

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The specifed version string contains wildcards, which are not compatible with determinism. Either remove wildcards from the version string, or disable determinism for this compilation


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    @SamW and how does he do that? – Cataklysim Dec 14 '18 at 14:59
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    Specific to .NETCore projects, /deterministic compile option. You'd have to edit the .csproj file by hand to turn it off. Do beware that the version is considerably worse that non-deterministic, as written the revision number will be the time of day. So version numbers can go backwards or repeat, you might as well not use them at all. – Hans Passant Dec 14 '18 at 15:11
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    Always post error message (and code) as text, not as images. – Henk Holterman Dec 14 '18 at 15:28

3 Answers3


Add <Deterministic> tag with false value and use * for the 3'rd part of AssemblyVersion inside <PropertyGroup> in .csproj file:

John Deer
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    But what does the `````` tag do? – Jay Jun 03 '20 at 22:48
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    To answer my own question for those who also want to know - Deterministic means something like - the compiler will use the same versions of the files if no changes have happened resulting faster builds/tests. What does changing it adversely affect if it was disabled originally and you want to do a wildcard in the version number? Basically Nothing. It just allows that to be possible. https://blog.paranoidcoding.com/2016/04/05/deterministic-builds-in-roslyn.html – Jay Jun 03 '20 at 22:56
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    For those who want to use the wildcard to auto-generate version info, this is actually a more direct answer. Note that it is the AssemblyVersion (not AssemblyFileVersion) that you should use a wildcard in. If you provide AssemblyVersion with wildcard, just don't include AssemblyFileVersion at all. (I use a Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs file and leave them blank in the project settings, but it looks like it's supported there too, above.) – Appurist - Paul W Jun 16 '20 at 15:04
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    Note also: There are two forms. One where the asterisk wildcard is in the third position (x.y.*) and one where it is in the fourth position (x.y.z.*). In the x.y.* case, the build will auto-generate two version numbers, the first will be the number of days since some epoch, thus it only changes once each day. Today, for example, an AssemblyVersion of '1.0.*' will generate a specific '7472', e.g. '1.0.7472.20737'. The 5-digit final number will be different every build, at least if changes. I find this is better than 1.0.0.* for support as it indicates age (.7300 would be almost 6 months old). – Appurist - Paul W Jun 16 '20 at 15:06
  • @Appurist-PaulW: `1.0.*` auto-generates the BUILD and REVISION numbers. BUILD is the "number of days since 1st January 2000" and REVISION is "half the number seconds since 00:00". Your example, `1.0.7472.20737`, means "this assembly was built on 2020-06-16 at 11:31:14". – AlainD Feb 09 '21 at 12:22

I guess you were able to use it earlier and can't anymore.

Reason - There have been some changes to Visual Studio as the new project files now default to 'True' for 'Deterministic' attribute.

Solution - as Hans Passant says, edit project file by hand. Cons to doing it, also as he says.

Specifically, edit .csproj to <Deterministic>false</Deterministic>.

Source - https://marinovdh.wordpress.com/2018/10/22/68/

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VS2019 can auto-create an .editorconfig file putting severity as 'suggest', which content is like this:


    # CS7035: The specified version string does not conform to the recommended format - major.minor.build.revision
    dotnet_diagnostic.CS7035.severity = suggestion

enter image description here

John Deer
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