Xcode 7 In Target > BuildPhases > Link Binary With Libraries > tap + button

When choosing frameworks to add, you cannot find *.dylib, you'll see *.tbd instead.

What is the reason for this?

**For people who need dylib, follow from this post

  1. Choose "Add other"
  2. Once in the file selection window do "CMD"+Shift+G (Go to folder) & type /usr/lib/
  3. From /user/lib you can find the *.dylib files
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3 Answers3


I've scoured Google but the only thing I can find so far is the following quote from the Apple developer forums:

For those who are curious, the .tbd files are new "text-based stub libraries", that provide a much more compact version of the stub libraries for use in the SDK, and help to significantly reduce its download size.

Hopefully more documentation will be coming soon.


As an example, here is the entire contents of libsqlite3.tbd. It is just a text file. Note that the install-name is libsqlite3.dylib.

archs:           [ armv7, armv7s, arm64 ]
platform:        ios
install-name:    /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
current-version: 216.4
compatibility-version: 9.0
  - archs:           [ armv7, armv7s, arm64 ]
    symbols:         [ __sqlite3_lockstate, __sqlite3_purgeEligiblePagerCacheMemory, 
                       __sqlite3_system_busy_handler, __sqlite_auto_profile, 
                       __sqlite_auto_profile_syslog, __sqlite_auto_trace, 
                       __sqlite_auto_trace_syslog, _sqlite3OsShmHasMultipleLinks, 
                       _sqlite3OsShmRenamedWhileOpen, _sqlite3OsShmWasTruncated, 
                       _sqlite3OsShmWasUnlinkedWhileOpen, _sqlite3VersionNumber, 
                       _sqlite3VersionString, _sqlite3_aggregate_context, 
                       _sqlite3_aggregate_count, _sqlite3_auto_extension, 
                       _sqlite3_backup_finish, _sqlite3_backup_init, _sqlite3_backup_pagecount, 
                       _sqlite3_backup_remaining, _sqlite3_backup_step, 
                       _sqlite3_bind_blob, _sqlite3_bind_blob64, _sqlite3_bind_double, 
                       _sqlite3_bind_int, _sqlite3_bind_int64, _sqlite3_bind_null, 
                       _sqlite3_bind_parameter_count, _sqlite3_bind_parameter_index, 
                       _sqlite3_bind_parameter_name, _sqlite3_bind_text, 
                       _sqlite3_bind_text16, _sqlite3_bind_text64, _sqlite3_bind_value, 
                       _sqlite3_bind_zeroblob, _sqlite3_blob_bytes, _sqlite3_blob_close, 
                       _sqlite3_blob_open, _sqlite3_blob_read, _sqlite3_blob_reopen, 
                       _sqlite3_blob_write, _sqlite3_busy_handler, _sqlite3_busy_timeout, 
                       _sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension, _sqlite3_changes, 
                       _sqlite3_clear_bindings, _sqlite3_close, _sqlite3_close_v2, 
                       _sqlite3_collation_needed, _sqlite3_collation_needed16, 
                       _sqlite3_column_blob, _sqlite3_column_bytes, _sqlite3_column_bytes16, 
                       _sqlite3_column_count, _sqlite3_column_decltype, 
                       _sqlite3_column_decltype16, _sqlite3_column_double, 
                       _sqlite3_column_int, _sqlite3_column_int64, _sqlite3_column_name, 
                       _sqlite3_column_name16, _sqlite3_column_text, _sqlite3_column_text16, 
                       _sqlite3_column_type, _sqlite3_column_value, _sqlite3_commit_hook, 
                       _sqlite3_compileoption_get, _sqlite3_compileoption_used, 
                       _sqlite3_complete, _sqlite3_complete16, _sqlite3_config, 
                       _sqlite3_context_db_handle, _sqlite3_create_collation, 
                       _sqlite3_create_collation16, _sqlite3_create_collation_v2, 
                       _sqlite3_create_function, _sqlite3_create_function16, 
                       _sqlite3_create_function_v2, _sqlite3_create_module, 
                       _sqlite3_create_module_v2, _sqlite3_data_count, 
                       _sqlite3_data_directory, _sqlite3_db_config, _sqlite3_db_filename, 
                       _sqlite3_db_handle, _sqlite3_db_mutex, _sqlite3_db_readonly, 
                       _sqlite3_db_release_memory, _sqlite3_db_status, 
                       _sqlite3_declare_vtab, _sqlite3_enable_shared_cache, 
                       _sqlite3_errcode, _sqlite3_errmsg, _sqlite3_errmsg16, 
                       _sqlite3_errstr, _sqlite3_exec, _sqlite3_expired, 
                       _sqlite3_extended_errcode, _sqlite3_extended_result_codes, 
                       _sqlite3_file_control, _sqlite3_finalize, _sqlite3_free, 
                       _sqlite3_free_table, _sqlite3_get_autocommit, _sqlite3_get_auxdata, 
                       _sqlite3_get_table, _sqlite3_global_recover, _sqlite3_initialize, 
                       _sqlite3_intarray_bind, _sqlite3_intarray_create, 
                       _sqlite3_interrupt, _sqlite3_last_insert_rowid, 
                       _sqlite3_libversion, _sqlite3_libversion_number, 
                       _sqlite3_limit, _sqlite3_log, _sqlite3_malloc, _sqlite3_malloc64, 
                       _sqlite3_memory_alarm, _sqlite3_memory_highwater, 
                       _sqlite3_memory_used, _sqlite3_mprintf, _sqlite3_msize, 
                       _sqlite3_mutex_alloc, _sqlite3_mutex_enter, _sqlite3_mutex_free, 
                       _sqlite3_mutex_leave, _sqlite3_mutex_try, _sqlite3_next_stmt, 
                       _sqlite3_open, _sqlite3_open16, _sqlite3_open_v2, 
                       _sqlite3_os_end, _sqlite3_os_init, _sqlite3_overload_function, 
                       _sqlite3_prepare, _sqlite3_prepare16, _sqlite3_prepare16_v2, 
                       _sqlite3_prepare_v2, _sqlite3_profile, _sqlite3_progress_handler, 
                       _sqlite3_randomness, _sqlite3_realloc, _sqlite3_realloc64, 
                       _sqlite3_release_memory, _sqlite3_reset, _sqlite3_reset_auto_extension, 
                       _sqlite3_result_blob, _sqlite3_result_blob64, _sqlite3_result_double, 
                       _sqlite3_result_error, _sqlite3_result_error16, 
                       _sqlite3_result_error_code, _sqlite3_result_error_nomem, 
                       _sqlite3_result_error_toobig, _sqlite3_result_int, 
                       _sqlite3_result_int64, _sqlite3_result_null, _sqlite3_result_text, 
                       _sqlite3_result_text16, _sqlite3_result_text16be, 
                       _sqlite3_result_text16le, _sqlite3_result_text64, 
                       _sqlite3_result_value, _sqlite3_result_zeroblob, 
                       _sqlite3_rollback_hook, _sqlite3_rtree_geometry_callback, 
                       _sqlite3_rtree_query_callback, _sqlite3_set_authorizer, 
                       _sqlite3_set_auxdata, _sqlite3_shutdown, _sqlite3_sleep, 
                       _sqlite3_snprintf, _sqlite3_soft_heap_limit, _sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64, 
                       _sqlite3_sourceid, _sqlite3_sql, _sqlite3_status, 
                       _sqlite3_status64, _sqlite3_step, _sqlite3_stmt_busy, 
                       _sqlite3_stmt_readonly, _sqlite3_stmt_status, _sqlite3_strglob, 
                       _sqlite3_stricmp, _sqlite3_strnicmp, _sqlite3_table_column_metadata, 
                       _sqlite3_temp_directory, _sqlite3_test_control, 
                       _sqlite3_thread_cleanup, _sqlite3_threadsafe, _sqlite3_total_changes, 
                       _sqlite3_trace, _sqlite3_transfer_bindings, _sqlite3_update_hook, 
                       _sqlite3_uri_boolean, _sqlite3_uri_int64, _sqlite3_uri_parameter, 
                       _sqlite3_user_data, _sqlite3_value_blob, _sqlite3_value_bytes, 
                       _sqlite3_value_bytes16, _sqlite3_value_double, _sqlite3_value_int, 
                       _sqlite3_value_int64, _sqlite3_value_numeric_type, 
                       _sqlite3_value_text, _sqlite3_value_text16, _sqlite3_value_text16be, 
                       _sqlite3_value_text16le, _sqlite3_value_type, _sqlite3_version, 
                       _sqlite3_vfs_find, _sqlite3_vfs_register, _sqlite3_vfs_unregister, 
                       _sqlite3_vmprintf, _sqlite3_vsnprintf, _sqlite3_vtab_config, 
                       _sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict, _sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint, 
                       _sqlite3_wal_checkpoint, _sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2, 
                       _sqlite3_wal_hook ]

I found this and other .tbd files in


You can also see a .tbd file if you go to the General tab of your Xcode project and then add a library under Linked Frameworks and Libraries. The .tbd file will be copied to your project.

So it appears that the .dylib file is the actual library of binary code that your project is using and is located in the /usr/lib/ directory on the user's device. The .tbd file, on the other hand, is just a text file that is included in your project and serves as a link to the required .dylib binary. Since this text file is much smaller than the binary library, it makes the SDK's download size smaller.

At this point I am only surmising from the information given, so please correct me if I am wrong.

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    The TBD file format is actually just a YAML file. The linker just looks for certain tags. – C0deH4cker Mar 30 '16 at 07:45
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    Why does it make the app size smaller? Doesn't it just link to the real dylib anyway at compile/link time? Not saying you're wrong, just trying to understand – stonedauwg Jun 15 '16 at 13:23
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    It reduces the size of the SDK you download with Xcode, not the size of the app you're building. – Joky Jan 06 '17 at 22:09
  • Thank, @Joky. I corrected the error in my answer. Do you know at what point the binaries get added to the app if they are not in the SDK? And where do they come from? Are they downloaded as needed depending on what .tbd files are used? – Suragch Jan 07 '17 at 01:19
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    The dylibs in the SDK are present on the device when the OS is installed. So they were useless in the SDK, but to allow for the linker to do its job when you link the app (dynamic libraries are not copied into the app and stay separated). So the change with tbd files is to strip the dylib keeping only the minimum amount of information that was used by the linker, and updating the linker to understand this new format. – Joky Jan 08 '17 at 00:06

.dylib is the compiled binary that contains the machine code. .tbd is a smaller text file, similar to a cross-platform module map.

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.tbd - Text Based dylib stubs. It is a kind of optimization that means you do not have to copy a .dylib file (which exists on a target) into your bundle (e.g. application). This file does not contain the binary code which has a major impact on the file size.

It is applicable only for:

  1. Dynamic libraries because they are runtime-linked
  2. File should have a relevant path on the target. As a result it is the best place for standard system libraries.

For iOS development you can find .tbd files which you can use here


For example libiconv.tbd looks like

enter image description here

This file contains some meta information like:

  • .dylib location
  • symbols(class's properties, methods)
  • architecture
  • platform
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    it doesn't contain method declarations. Only the names of the classes and the names of free functions exported from the library. – Anton Kukoba May 04 '20 at 09:42