I'm creating a node system (similar to eg. UE4 or Blender's Cycles) in which i can create nodes of different types and use them later. At the moment I have 2 classes of nodes with output functions like these:

class InputInt
    int output()
        int x;
        return x;

class RandomInt
    int rand10()
        int x;
        x = rand()%10;
        return x;
    int rand100()
        int x;
        x = rand()%100;
        return x;

I don't pass anything to these nodes. Now I want to create a node which takes and output function from and object of one of above classes. Here is how I implemented it to use InputInt node only:

class MultiplyBy2
    typedef int (InputInt::*func)();

    func input_func;
    InputInt *obj;

    MultiplyBy2(InputInt *object, func i): obj(object), input_func(i) {}
    int output()
        return (obj->*input_func)()*2;

Having this I can create and use object of MultiplyBy2 in main() and it works perfectly.

int main()
    InputInt input;
    MultiplyBy2 multi(&input, input.output);

It doesn't obviously work for object of RandomInt as I have to pass *InputInt object to MultiplyBy2 object. Is there a way to make MultiplyBy2 take any kind of an object with its output function eg. like this?

int main()
    RandomInt random;
    MultiplyBy2 multi2(&random, random.rand10);
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  • Have a look at [The Tiny Calculator Project](https://stackoverflow.com/a/46965151/7478597) there I modeled something similar as Abstract Syntax Tree (with execution feature). I believe, this solved it by a little bit different design of classes. – Scheff's Cat Aug 08 '18 at 10:43

3 Answers3


An alternative approach, using a common base class with virtual methods:

#include <iostream>

struct IntOp {
  virtual int get() = 0;

struct ConstInt: IntOp {
  int n;
  explicit ConstInt(int n): n(n) { }
  virtual int get() override { return n; }

struct MultiplyIntInt: IntOp {
  IntOp *pArg1, *pArg2;
  MultiplyIntInt(IntOp *pArg1, IntOp *pArg2): pArg1(pArg1), pArg2(pArg2) { }
  virtual int get() override { return pArg1->get() * pArg2->get(); }

int main()
  ConstInt i3(3), i4(4);
  MultiplyIntInt i3muli4(&i3, &i4);
  std::cout << i3.get() << " * " << i4.get() << " = " << i3muli4.get() << '\n';
  return 0;


3 * 4 = 12

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As I mentioned std::function in post-answer conversation with OP, I fiddled a bit with this idea and got this:

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

struct MultiplyIntInt {
  std::function<int()> op1, op2;
  MultiplyIntInt(std::function<int()> op1, std::function<int()> op2): op1(op1), op2(op2) { }
  int get() { return op1() * op2(); }

int main()
  auto const3 = []() -> int { return 3; };
  auto const4 = []() -> int { return 4; };
  auto rand100 = []() -> int { return rand() % 100; };
  MultiplyIntInt i3muli4(const3, const4);
  MultiplyIntInt i3muli4mulRnd(
    [&]() -> int { return i3muli4.get(); }, rand100);
  for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
    std::cout << i << ".: 3 * 4 * rand() = "
      << i3muli4mulRnd.get() << '\n';
  return 0;


1.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 996
2.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 1032
3.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 924
4.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 180
5.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 1116
6.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 420
7.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 1032
8.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 1104
9.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 588
10.: 3 * 4 * rand() = 252

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With std::function<>, class methods, free-standing functions, and even lambdas can be used in combination. So, there is no base class anymore needed for nodes. Actually, even nodes are not anymore needed (explicitly) (if a free-standing function or lambda is not counted as "node").

I must admit that graphical dataflow programming was subject of my final work in University (though this is a long time ago). I remembered that I distinguished

  • demand-driven execution vs.
  • data-driven execution.

Both examples above are demand-driven execution. (The result is requested and "pulls" the arguments.)

So, my last sample is dedicated to show a simplified data-driven execution (in principle):

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>

struct ConstInt {
  int n;
  std::vector<std::function<void(int)>> out;
  ConstInt(int n): n(n) { eval(); }
  void link(std::function<void(int)> in)
    out.push_back(in); eval();
  void eval()
    for (std::function<void(int)> &f : out) f(n);

struct MultiplyIntInt {
  int n1, n2; bool received1, received2;
  std::vector<std::function<void(int)>> out;
  void set1(int n) { n1 = n; received1 = true; eval(); }
  void set2(int n) { n2 = n; received2 = true; eval(); }
  void link(std::function<void(int)> in)
    out.push_back(in); eval();
  void eval()
    if (received1 && received2) {
      int prod = n1 * n2;
      for (std::function<void(int)> &f : out) f(prod);

struct Print {
  const char *text;
  explicit Print(const char *text): text(text) { }
  void set(int n)
    std::cout << text << n << '\n';

int main()
  // setup data flow
  Print print("Result: ");
  MultiplyIntInt mul;
  ConstInt const3(3), const4(4);
  // link nodes
  const3.link([&mul](int n) { mul.set1(n); });
  const4.link([&mul](int n) { mul.set2(n); });
  mul.link([&print](int n) { print.set(n); });
  // done
  return 0;

With the dataflow graph image (provided by koman900 – the OP) in mind, the out vectors represent outputs of nodes, where the methods set()/set1()/set2() represent inputs.

Snapshot of a dataflow graph in Blender


Result: 12

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After connection of graph, the source nodes (const3 and const4) may push new results to their output which may or may not cause following operations to recompute.

For a graphical presentation, the operator classes should provide additionally some kind of infrastructure (e.g. to retrieve a name/type and the available inputs and outputs, and, may be, signals for notification about state changes).

Surely, it is possible to combine both approaches (data-driven and demand-driven execution). (A node in the middle may change its state and requests new input to push new output afterwards.)

Scheff's Cat
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  • Correct me if I am wrong but with this approach I think I wouldn't be able to create many outputs for one node, eg. `RandomInt` has 2 different outputs and I would like to specify which output I want to use. If there is a way to do that with your approach I would be thankful for explanation. – Elgirhath Aug 08 '18 at 10:57
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    @koman900 As in `ConstInt`, you can make such operators parametric. You could also introduce `VarInt` or `Assignment` (but this would break the pure functional approach it has in this state). – Scheff's Cat Aug 08 '18 at 11:00
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    @koman900 But I agree, in this design: one class - one type of operator. (I would call it functor even without the `operator()()`.) I didn't consider this as limitation... – Scheff's Cat Aug 08 '18 at 11:02
  • I think this image of node structure in Blender's Cycles is a proper explanation of that: [link](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58586fa5ebbd1a60e7d76d3e/t/594b3bec8419c2312790e7e0/1498102947950/?format=750w). In this example we can use 2 different outputs for most of the nodes. – Elgirhath Aug 08 '18 at 11:02
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    @koman900 Ah - a dataflow language. (I didn't see the image before.) For this case, I would introduce functors which can output tuple like types. (This way, we did it in our professional software.) ...and a type system. But this needs a bit more lines than in the above code. :-) – Scheff's Cat Aug 08 '18 at 11:05
  • @koman900 I could make the `get()` parametric but finally it end's up in something like in acade's answer. (May be, it's worth to mention `std::function` which would make things very flexible.) So, I guess you got two approaches and may combine them to what you intend to do. – Scheff's Cat Aug 08 '18 at 11:13
  • @koman900 If you intend to make a GUI for the data flow, then I would suggest a base class with some kind of reflection (to retrieve input(s) and output(s) from operator nodes). – Scheff's Cat Aug 08 '18 at 11:42
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    @koman900 I added a 3rd example and some notes about data-driven vs. demand-driven execution. – Scheff's Cat Aug 08 '18 at 12:10

You can use templates.

template <typename UnderlyingClass>
class MultiplyBy2
    typedef int (UnderlyingClass::*func)();

    func input_func;
    UnderlyingClass *obj;

    MultiplyBy2(UnderlyingClass *object, func i) : obj(object), input_func(i) {}
    int output()
        return (obj->*input_func)() * 2;

int main()
    // test
    InputInt ii;
    MultiplyBy2<InputInt> mii{ &ii, &InputInt::output };
    RandomInt ri;
    MultiplyBy2<RandomInt> mri{ &ri, &RandomInt::rand10 };
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This is a bit convoluted. However I think you should be making an interface or class that returns a value and the objects should inherit from this. Then the operator class can take any class that inherits from the base/interface. Eg Make an BaseInt class that stores an int and has the output method/ RandomInt and InputInt should inherit from BaseInt

  • That's what I implemented in my answer. :-) (Except that I used a method `get()` instead of overloading the `operator()()`.) – Scheff's Cat Aug 08 '18 at 10:52