I am new to C++11. I am writing the following recursive lambda function, but it doesn't compile.


#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

auto term = [](int a)->int {
  return a*a;

auto next = [](int a)->int {
  return ++a;

auto sum = [term,next,&sum](int a, int b)mutable ->int {
    return 0;
    return term(a) + sum(next(a),b);

int main(){
  return 0;

compilation error:

vimal@linux-718q:~/Study/09C++/c++0x/lambda> g++ -std=c++0x sum.cpp

sum.cpp: In lambda function: sum.cpp:18:36: error: ‘((<lambda(int, int)>*)this)-><lambda(int, int)>::sum’ cannot be used as a function

gcc version

gcc version 4.5.0 20091231 (experimental) (GCC)

But if I change the declaration of sum() as below, it works:

std::function<int(int,int)> sum = [term,next,&sum](int a, int b)->int {
     return 0;
     return term(a) + sum(next(a),b);

Could someone please throw light on this?

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14 Answers14


Think about the difference between the auto version and the fully specified type version. The auto keyword infers its type from whatever it's initialized with, but what you're initializing it with needs to know what its type is (in this case, the lambda closure needs to know the types it's capturing). Something of a chicken-and-egg problem.

On the other hand, a fully specified function object's type doesn't need to "know" anything about what is being assigned to it, and so the lambda's closure can likewise be fully informed about the types its capturing.

Consider this slight modification of your code and it may make more sense:

std::function<int(int,int)> sum;
sum = [term,next,&sum](int a, int b)->int {
    return 0;
    return term(a) + sum(next(a),b);

Obviously, this wouldn't work with auto. Recursive lambda functions work perfectly well (at least they do in MSVC, where I have experience with them), it's just that they aren't really compatible with type inference.

I. M. McIntosh
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    I don't agree with this. The type of the lambda is well-known as soon as the function body is entered- there's no reason that it shouldn't be deduced by then. – Puppy Jun 23 '11 at 12:30
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    @DeadMG but the spec forbids referring to the `auto` variable in the initializer of it. the type of the auto variable is not known yet when the initializer is being processed. – Johannes Schaub - litb Jun 23 '11 at 17:33
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    Wondering why this isn't marked as 'answer', and that Python one is classified as 'Answer' ?! – Ajay Jan 26 '13 at 06:05
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    @Puppy: In the case of an implicit capture, though, for efficiency only referenced variables are actually captured, so the body must be parsed. – kec Dec 04 '14 at 23:30
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    Is there a valid interpretation for `sum` other than `std::function`, or has the C++ spec just not bothered to infer it? – Mateen Ulhaq Sep 22 '18 at 22:58
  • @MateenUlhaq there is, but such interpretations (function pointers/references) are only allowed for non-capturing lambdas. Lambdas have unique types and `std::function` is using type erasure to store an arbitrary callable. – Xeverous Jun 11 '20 at 19:08
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    @Puppy The type of the lambda itself may be known, but the full expression that initializes the local variable is not complete. Consider: auto i = []() { return 0; }(); Here, i is inferred to be int, not the lambda that is being called. Inside the lambda it is not yet known what the full expression will be, and therefore the type of i can't be known within the lambda. – oisyn Nov 21 '20 at 01:17

The trick is to feed in the lambda implementation to itself as a parameter, not by capture.

const auto sum = [term,next](int a, int b) {
  auto sum_impl=[term,next](int a,int b,auto& sum_ref) mutable {
      return 0;
    return term(a) + sum_ref(next(a),b,sum_ref);
  return sum_impl(a,b,sum_impl);

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection. I first found this easy trick at http://pedromelendez.com/blog/2015/07/16/recursive-lambdas-in-c14/

It does require C++14 while the question is on C++11, but perhaps interesting to most.

Going via std::function is also possible but can result in slower code. But not always. Have a look at the answers to std::function vs template

This is not just a peculiarity about C++, it's directly mapping to the mathematics of lambda calculus. From Wikipedia:

Lambda calculus cannot express this as directly as some other notations:
all functions are anonymous in lambda calculus, so we can't refer to a
value which is yet to be defined, inside the lambda term defining that
same value. However, recursion can still be achieved by arranging for a
lambda expression to receive itself as its argument value
Johan Lundberg
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    This seems much worse than explicitly using `function<>`. I can't see why anyone would prefer it. Edit: It is faster apparently. – Timmmm Jul 25 '18 at 10:29
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    this is way better than std::function for 3 reasons: it doesn't require type erasure or memory allocation, it can be constexpr and it works properly with auto (templated) parameters / return type – Ivan Sanz-Carasa Sep 12 '18 at 08:14
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    Presumably this solution also has the advantage of being copyable without the std::function reference going out of scope? – Uri Granta Feb 11 '19 at 11:41
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    Hm, when trying, GCC 8.1 (linux) complained: `error: use of ‘[...]’ before deduction of ‘auto’` – needed to explicitly specify return type (on the other hand, didn't need mutable). – Aconcagua Mar 23 '19 at 15:40
  • @Aconcagua same here with Xcode10 and I have set C++ standard to 17 even – IceFire Apr 16 '19 at 11:08
  • @Aconcagua. Worked in gcc, clang, msvc when I wrote it, and now it also works again with gcc (9.2): https://godbolt.org/z/JjKzcp – Johan Lundberg Nov 08 '19 at 20:45
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    @JohanLundberg It only works when there's another return in the function (so the return type can be deduced) -- in the example there's already a `return 0` so the compiler can deduce that the return type is `int` -- in the general case specifying the return type is necessary. – user202729 Aug 05 '20 at 16:33
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    For `auto g=[&](auto g){ return g(g); }; g(g);`, it's necessary to specify the return type. – user202729 Aug 05 '20 at 16:34

With C++14, it is now quite easy to make an efficient recursive lambda without having to incur the additional overhead of std::function, in just a few lines of code:

template <class F>
struct y_combinator {
    F f; // the lambda will be stored here
    // a forwarding operator():
    template <class... Args>
    decltype(auto) operator()(Args&&... args) const {
        // we pass ourselves to f, then the arguments.
        return f(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);

// helper function that deduces the type of the lambda:
template <class F>
y_combinator<std::decay_t<F>> make_y_combinator(F&& f) {
    return {std::forward<F>(f)};

with which your original sum attempt becomes:

auto sum = make_y_combinator([term,next](auto sum, int a, int b) {
  if (a>b) {
    return 0;
  else {
    return term(a) + sum(next(a),b);

In C++17, with CTAD, we can add a deduction guide:

template <class F> y_combinator(F) -> y_combinator<F>;

Which obviates the need for the helper function. We can just write y_combinator{[](auto self, ...){...}} directly.

In C++20, with CTAD for aggregates, the deduction guide won't be necessary.

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  • This is great, but one could consider `std::forward(sum)` instead of `sum` on the last line. – Johan Lundberg Aug 30 '17 at 07:14
  • @Johan No, there's only one `operator()` so there's nothing to gain by forwarding `sum` – Barry Aug 30 '17 at 13:14
  • Oh, that's true. Not used to using forwarding references without forward. – Johan Lundberg Aug 30 '17 at 17:20
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    The Y-combinator certainly is the way to go. But you really should add a non-`const` overload in case the provided function-object has a non-`const` call-operator. And use SFINAE and computed `noexcept` for both. Also, there's no need for the maker-function in C++17 anymore. – Deduplicator Aug 25 '18 at 21:43
  • @Barry, auto sum would be taken by copy, wouldn't it? Why not pass it by reference and then can change std::ref(*this) to just *this in y_combinator operator function overload. – minex Sep 21 '19 at 23:46
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    @minex Yes, `auto sum` copies... but it copies a `reference_wrapper`, which is the same thing as taking a reference. Doing it once in the implementation means none of the uses will ever accidentally copy. – Barry Sep 22 '19 at 01:00
  • @Barry Does this recursive y-combinator really work? \[[LIVE](https://compiler-explorer.com/z/Yq4Mjo)\] Did I miss any something? Could you provide some working code? – sandthorn Oct 30 '20 at 09:33
  • I guess I got this already. \[[LIVE](https://compiler-explorer.com/z/hPGWod)\] While `clang` has no ideas about deducing the y-combinator, it sure can optimize-out all the way through them all!! However, it looks like `gcc`'s optimizer seems struggle with it while can deduce the y-combinator without any guidance. – sandthorn Oct 30 '20 at 10:02
  • \[[LIVE](https://compiler-explorer.com/z/ds4Pjo)\] It turns out that having constexpr-able lambdas does fix `gcc`'s optimization limits, of course. `clang` can optimize-out non-constexpr-able lambdas while `gcc` currently denies to do so. – sandthorn Oct 30 '20 at 13:23
  • I don't know why, but it looks like I have to add `->void` return type information to my lambda, otherwise the compilation fails: https://godbolt.org/z/WWj14P – qbolec Jan 02 '21 at 08:51
  • @qbolec Compiler needs to know what it returns, and there's no `return` to clue it in, so sometimes you just need to provide it (even if in this case it should be "obviously" `void`) – Barry Jan 02 '21 at 15:41
  • @Barry, what you say might be part of the story, but there must be something more to it, as adding `return 42;` to the function seems not enough - it still needs `-> int` : [live](https://godbolt.org/z/8MabsG) – qbolec Jan 03 '21 at 16:56

I have another solution, but work only with stateless lambdas:

void f()
    static int (*self)(int) = [](int i)->int { return i>0 ? self(i-1)*i : 1; };

Trick here is that lambdas can access static variables and you can convert stateless ones to function pointer.

You can use it with standard lambdas:

void g()
    int sum;
    auto rec = [&sum](int i) -> int
        static int (*inner)(int&, int) = [](int& _sum, int i)->int 
            _sum += i;
            return i>0 ? inner(_sum, i-1)*i : 1; 
        return inner(sum, i);

Its work in GCC 4.7

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    This should have better performance than std::function, so +1 for the alternative. But really, at this point I wonder if using lambdas is the best option ;) – Antoine Feb 27 '14 at 09:48
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    If you have a stateless lambda you may as well just make it a full function. – Timmmm Jul 25 '18 at 10:30
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    @Timmmm But then you leak part of implementation to outside word, usually lambdas are closely coupled with parent function (even when with out captures). If this was not case then you should not use lambdas in first place and use normal functions of functors. – Yankes Jul 25 '18 at 23:14

To make lambda recursive without using external classes and functions (like std::function or fixed-point combinator) one can use the following construction in C++14 (live example):

#include <utility>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    struct tree
        int payload;
        std::list< tree > children = {}; // std::list of incomplete type is allowed
    std::size_t indent = 0;
    // indication of result type here is essential
    const auto print = [&] (const auto & self, const tree & node) -> void
        std::cout << std::string(indent, ' ') << node.payload << '\n';
        for (const tree & t : node.children) {
            self(self, t);
    print(print, {1, {{2, {{8}}}, {3, {{5, {{7}}}, {6}}}, {4}}});



Note, result type of lambda should be specified explicitly.

Tomilov Anatoliy
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You can make a lambda function call itself recursively. The only thing you need to do is to is to reference it through a function wrapper so that the compiler knows it's return and argument type (you can't capture a variable -- the lambda itself -- that hasn't been defined yet).

  function<int (int)> f;

  f = [&f](int x) {
    if (x == 0) return 0;
    return x + f(x-1);

  printf("%d\n", f(10));

Be very careful not to run out of the scope of the wrapper f.

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I ran a benchmark comparing a recursive function vs a recursive lambda function using the std::function<> capture method. With full optimizations enabled on clang version 4.1, the lambda version ran significantly slower.

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <chrono>

uint64_t sum1(int n) {
  return (n <= 1) ? 1 : n + sum1(n - 1);

std::function<uint64_t(int)> sum2 = [&] (int n) {
  return (n <= 1) ? 1 : n + sum2(n - 1);

auto const ITERATIONS = 10000;
auto const DEPTH = 100000;

template <class Func, class Input>
void benchmark(Func&& func, Input&& input) {
  auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  for (auto i = 0; i != ITERATIONS; ++i) {
  auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t2-t1).count();
  std::cout << "Duration: " << duration << std::endl;

int main() {
  benchmark(sum1, DEPTH);
  benchmark(sum2, DEPTH);

Produces results:

Duration: 0 // regular function
Duration: 4027 // lambda function

(Note: I also confirmed with a version that took the inputs from cin, so as to eliminate compile time evaluation)

Clang also produces a compiler warning:

main.cc:10:29: warning: variable 'sum2' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization [-Wuninitialized]

Which is expected, and safe, but should be noted.

It's great to have a solution in our toolbelts, but I think the language will need a better way to handle this case if performance is to be comparable to current methods.


As a commenter pointed out, it seems latest version of VC++ has found a way to optimize this to the point of equal performance. Maybe we don't need a better way to handle this, after all (except for syntactic sugar).

Also, as some other SO posts have outlined in recent weeks, the performance of std::function<> itself may be the cause of slowdown vs calling function directly, at least when the lambda capture is too large to fit into some library-optimized space std::function uses for small-functors (I guess kinda like the various short string optimizations?).

Dev Null
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    -1. Notice that the only reason the "lambda" version takes longer is because you bind it to an std::function, which makes the operator() call a virtual call, and that would obviously take longer. On top of that, your code, in VS2012 release mode, took about the same amount of time in both cases. – Yam Marcovic Feb 27 '13 at 16:52
  • @YamMarcovic What? That is currently the only known way to write a recursive lambda (that was the point of the example). I'm very pleased to know that VS2012 has found a way to optimize this use case (though there have been more developments on this topic recently, apparently if my lambda had captured more it would not have fit within the std::function small-memory functor optimizations or whatnot). – mmocny Feb 27 '13 at 18:46
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    Acknowledged. I misunderstood your post. +1 then. Gah, can only upvote if you edit this answer. So could you emphasize it a bit more, such as in the comment? – Yam Marcovic Feb 27 '13 at 19:46
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    @YamMarcovic Done. I appreciate your willingness to provide feedback and refine it when needed. +1 to you, good sir. – mmocny Feb 27 '13 at 20:40
  • 0 time usually means "entire operation was optimized away". Taking input from cin does nothing if the compiler proves that you do nothing with the reslut of your computation. – Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Mar 15 '17 at 17:39

Here is a refined version of the Y-combinator solution based on one proposed by @Barry.

template <class F>
struct recursive {
  F f;
  template <class... Ts>
  decltype(auto) operator()(Ts&&... ts)  const { return f(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Ts>(ts)...); }

  template <class... Ts>
  decltype(auto) operator()(Ts&&... ts)  { return f(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Ts>(ts)...); }

template <class F> recursive(F) -> recursive<F>;
auto const rec = [](auto f){ return recursive{std::move(f)}; };

To use this, one could do the following

auto fib = rec([&](auto&& fib, int i) {
// implementation detail omitted.

It is similar to the let rec keyword in OCaml, although not the same.


This is a slightly simpler implementation of the fixpoint operator which makes it a little more obvious exactly what's going on.

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;

template<typename T, typename... Args>
struct fixpoint
    typedef function<T(Args...)> effective_type;
    typedef function<T(const effective_type&, Args...)> function_type;

    function_type f_nonr;

    T operator()(Args... args) const
        return f_nonr(*this, args...);

    fixpoint(const function_type& p_f)
        : f_nonr(p_f)

int main()
    auto fib_nonr = [](const function<int(int)>& f, int n) -> int
        return n < 2 ? n : f(n-1) + f(n-2);

    auto fib = fixpoint<int,int>(fib_nonr);

    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
        cout << fib(i) << '\n';
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  • I think you could improve your answer (performance wise) if you replace `std::function` with function pointer (of cores it will only work with normal function, and stateless lambdas). Btw `fib_nonr` should accept `fixpoint`, if you use `std::function` its require crating new copy from `*this`. – Yankes Mar 01 '14 at 15:28

C++ 14: Here is a recursive anonymous stateless/no capture generic set of lambdas that outputs all numbers from 1, 20

([](auto f, auto n, auto m) {
    f(f, n, m);
    [](auto f, auto n, auto m) -> void
    cout << typeid(n).name() << el;
    cout << n << el;
    if (n<m)
        f(f, ++n, m);
    1, 20);

If I understand correctly this is using the Y-combinator solution

And here is the sum(n, m) version

auto sum = [](auto n, auto m) {
    return ([](auto f, auto n, auto m) {
        int res = f(f, n, m);
        return res;
        [](auto f, auto n, auto m) -> int
            if (n > m)
                return 0;
            else {
                int sum = n + f(f, n + 1, m);
                return sum;
        n, m); };

auto result = sum(1, 10); //result == 55
Jonas Brandel
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You're trying to capture a variable (sum) you're in the middle of defining. That can't be good.

I don't think truely self-recursive C++0x lambdas are possible. You should be able to capture other lambdas, though.

Terry Mahaffey
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This answer is inferior to Yankes' one, but still, here it goes:

using dp_type = void (*)();

using fp_type = void (*)(dp_type, unsigned, unsigned);

fp_type fp = [](dp_type dp, unsigned const a, unsigned const b) {
  ::std::cout << a << ::std::endl;
  return reinterpret_cast<fp_type>(dp)(dp, b, a + b);

fp(reinterpret_cast<dp_type>(fp), 0, 1);
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  • I think you should avoid `reinterpret_cast`. Probably best way in your case is create some struct that replace `dp_type`. It should have field `fp_type`, can be constructed from `fp_type` and have operator `()` with arguments like `fp_type`. This will be close to `std::function` but will allow self referencing argument. – Yankes Feb 27 '14 at 15:28
  • I wanted to post a minimal example, without a struct, feel free to edit my answer and provide a more complete solution. A `struct` would also add an additional level of indirection. The example works and the cast is standard-compliant, I don't know what the `-1` was for. – user1095108 Feb 27 '14 at 17:43
  • no, struct will work only as container for pointer and will be passed as value. This will be no more indirection or overhead than pointer. And about `-1` I didnt know who give it to you, but I think its because `reinterpret_cast` should be used as a last resort. – Yankes Feb 27 '14 at 23:30
  • The `cast` is supposedly guaranteed to work by the c++11 standard. Using a `struct`, in my eyes, could defeat the the use of a lambda object. After all, the `struct` you propose is a functor, utilizing a lambda object. – user1095108 Feb 28 '14 at 08:42
  • Look at @Pseudonym solution, remove only `std::function` and you will have something close to that I had in mind. This probably will have similar performance to your solution. – Yankes Mar 01 '14 at 15:12
  • Exactly. And why use a lambda object at all, if you can write a functor or functoid? That's when you usually make use of a `struct`. Also, my solution makes for a couple of lines, while his is a novel. – user1095108 Mar 01 '14 at 15:42
  • Question is in how many places you will use it. If its only one time hack, your solution would be correct. However if you need use it in multiple places, your solution will become error prone (its because you cant test if pointer is correct type). – Yankes Mar 01 '14 at 16:11
  • I don't think his solution is entirely user-friendly either and could also be error prone, due to having, in essence, to specify the same function signature twice. – user1095108 Mar 01 '14 at 16:51

Here is the final answer for the OP. Anyway, Visual Studio 2010 does not support capturing global variables. And you do not need to capture them because global variable is accessable globally by define. The following answer uses local variable instead.

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
struct t2t
    typedef T t;

template<typename R, typename V1, typename V2>
struct fixpoint
    typedef std::function<R (V1, V2)> func_t;
    typedef std::function<func_t (func_t)> tfunc_t;
    typedef std::function<func_t (tfunc_t)> yfunc_t;

    class loopfunc_t {
        func_t operator()(loopfunc_t v)const {
            return func(v);
        template<typename L>
        loopfunc_t(const L &l):func(l){}
        typedef V1 Parameter1_t;
        typedef V2 Parameter2_t;
        std::function<func_t (loopfunc_t)> func;
    static yfunc_t fix;
template<typename R, typename V1, typename V2>
typename fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::yfunc_t fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::fix = [](tfunc_t f) -> func_t {
    return [f](fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::loopfunc_t x){  return f(x(x)); }
    ([f](fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::loopfunc_t x) -> fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::func_t{
        auto &ff = f;
        return [ff, x](t2t<decltype(x)>::t::Parameter1_t v1, 
            t2t<decltype(x)>::t::Parameter1_t v2){
            return ff(x(x))(v1, v2);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    auto term = [](int a)->int {
      return a*a;

    auto next = [](int a)->int {
      return ++a;

    auto sum = fixpoint<int, int, int>::fix(
    [term,next](std::function<int (int, int)> sum1) -> std::function<int (int, int)>{
        auto &term1 = term;
        auto &next1 = next;
        return [term1, next1, sum1](int a, int b)mutable ->int {
                return 0;
            return term1(a) + sum1(next1(a),b);

    std::cout<<sum(1,10)<<std::endl; //385

    return 0;
Earth Engine
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You need a fixed point combinator. See this.

or look at the following code:

//As decltype(variable)::member_name is invalid currently, 
//the following template is a workaround.
//Usage: t2t<decltype(variable)>::t::member_name
template<typename T>
struct t2t
    typedef T t;

template<typename R, typename V>
struct fixpoint
    typedef std::function<R (V)> func_t;
    typedef std::function<func_t (func_t)> tfunc_t;
    typedef std::function<func_t (tfunc_t)> yfunc_t;

    class loopfunc_t {
        func_t operator()(loopfunc_t v)const {
            return func(v);
        template<typename L>
        loopfunc_t(const L &l):func(l){}
        typedef V Parameter_t;
        std::function<func_t (loopfunc_t)> func;
    static yfunc_t fix;
template<typename R, typename V>
typename fixpoint<R, V>::yfunc_t fixpoint<R, V>::fix = 
[](fixpoint<R, V>::tfunc_t f) -> fixpoint<R, V>::func_t {
    fixpoint<R, V>::loopfunc_t l = [f](fixpoint<R, V>::loopfunc_t x) ->
        fixpoint<R, V>::func_t{
            //f cannot be captured since it is not a local variable
            //of this scope. We need a new reference to it.
            auto &ff = f;
            //We need struct t2t because template parameter
            //V is not accessable in this level.
            return [ff, x](t2t<decltype(x)>::t::Parameter_t v){
                return ff(x(x))(v); 
        return l(l);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int v = 0;
    std::function<int (int)> fac = 
    fixpoint<int, int>::fix([](std::function<int (int)> f)
        -> std::function<int (int)>{
        return [f](int i) -> int{
            if(i==0) return 1;
            else return i * f(i-1);

    int i = fac(10);
    std::cout << i; //3628800
    return 0;
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Earth Engine
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