I have a JSF 2.2 app with primefaces 4.0. I have a page with some checklboxes. What I want to acomplish is that when I click on one checkbox an ajax request to be fired to my managed bean. That request will hit a method that will return a string. So i do no need to update an element, but to get back the string in js, because if i achieve that then I can return an JSON.
I have this piece of code :

<p:selectManyCheckbox  id="queues" value="#{viewAssignUsersMB.queueIds}" layout="grid" columns="3" converter="javax.faces.Long" converterMessage="Error."> 
<f:selectItems  value="#{viewAssignUsersMB.queues}" 
<p:ajax  process="@this" partialSubmit="true" event="change" listener="#{viewAssignUsersMB.xxx()}" async="true" oncomplete="handleSaveRequest(xhr, status, args)"/>

and this method in backing bean :

public void xxx(){  

and my js callback method:

function handleSaveRequest(xhr, status, args) { 
    alert('User with username ' +args.stringToBePassed+ ' is saved successfully');

My main problem now is that I do not know how to detect what checkbox was last pressed as in my backing bean I have all the checked checkboxes (#{viewAssignUsersMB.queueIds})...
Is there a better approach for that, as this is a pretty common scenario/ What is the "classic" way to achieve that ... ?

Videanu Adrian
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  • hy, you can do it, see this [example][1] [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5586799/accessing-return-value-from-bean-function-using-jsf-2-0-ajax-response – sghaier ali Jun 11 '14 at 14:51

1 Answers1


You can achieve this by using a remoteCommand.

  • First: Hook onchange event on all the checkboxes inputs.
  • Second: In the event function handler, get the element value, and pass the value to the remoteCommand.
  • Third: Read the value in the backing bean, as a request parameter.


 <p:selectCheckboxMenu id="selectCheckboxMenuId" widgetVar="selectCheckWV">  
    <f:selectItems value="#{mainBean.map}" />                              
 <p:remoteCommand name="submitNewCheckBoxValue" 
                  process="@this selectCheckboxMenuId"
                  actionListener="#{mainBean.sendLastCheckedBox()}" />


   $(document).ready(function() {
      PF('selectCheckWV').inputs.change(function() {
            submitNewCheckBoxValue([{name: 'submitedValue', value: $(this).val()}]);


public void sendLastCheckedBox() {
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Map map = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
    String submitedValue = (String) map.get("submitedValue");
    FacesMessage facesMessage = new FacesMessage(submitedValue);
    facesContext.addMessage(null, facesMessage);

Here's a working Demo, and a small example on github [1][2]

Hope this helps.

Hatem Alimam
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  • How to return values (i.e, json) in `sendLastCheckedBox` method instead of popping up a message box? – wei May 06 '16 at 10:03