I have this piece of code below. How do I initialize each element = false?

boolean[] seats = new boolean[10]

I saw a similar question. But, the second line didnt make sense to me (Can you explain the 2nd line?).

 Boolean[] array = new Boolean[size];
 Arrays.fill(array, Boolean.FALSE);
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2 Answers2


The default value for the elements in a boolean[] is false. You don't need to do anything.

The reason it's necessary for Boolean[] is because the default value is null.

To initialize to true, use the overload of Arrays.fill that accepts a boolean[].

boolean[] seats = new boolean[10];
Arrays.fill(seats, true);

See it working online: ideone

Mark Byers
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A boolean is initialized to false by default. So you need not to do anything specific here. When you create an array of booleans and don't initialize it all the elements will be be false.

how do I initialize it to True then?

Simple Arrays.fill(array, Boolean.TRUE);

Bharat Sinha
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