I have a simple form with remote=true.

This form is actually on an HTML Dialog, which gets closed as soon as the Submit button is clicked.

Now I need to make some changes on the main HTML page after the form gets submitted successfully.

I tried this using jQuery. But this doesn't ensure that the tasks get performed after some form of response of the form submission.

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {

// do the task here ..


How do I attach a callback, so that my code gets executed only after the form is successfully submitted? Is there any way to add some .success or .complete callback to the form?

rahul singh Chauhan
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7 Answers7


I just did this -

 $("#myform").bind('ajax:complete', function() {

         // tasks to do 


And things worked perfectly .

See this api documentation for more specific details.

Norman H
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    Wow... I just learned something new. Yeah, from the looks of it, this is the most simplest solution. Perhaps, it's even the best. I am an avid Coding Horror reader, and in that blog, Jeff Attwood emphasizes that we should write less code, and this method achieves that. Good find. :) – Sal Rahman Jul 18 '12 at 16:17
  • Please tell me how could you use ajax:complete when binding your form? we can't find any property related to a form like 'ajax:complete'. – kaissun Dec 19 '12 at 17:07
  • Ajax:complete can be attached to any Ajax Event . When the event completes , this is triggered . In my form I used "remote=true" - which means the form gets submitted via Ajax . So u can attach a ajax:complete to the form submissionhttp://api.jquery.com/ajaxComplete/ – geeky_monster Dec 22 '12 at 13:47
  • 7
    And if the `
    ` is submited usually ? (I mean not with Ajax) What can I put in the first argument of `.bind()` ? EDIT : well, I guess `click`. Nvm, sorry. :p
    – 4wk_ Feb 04 '13 at 13:32
  • 10
    beware: this is going to fire your function after the completion of **any** ajax event, not just your form submission (unless I'm mistaken, in which case I'd love for you to provide a link for where you found this) – DMac the Destroyer Jun 07 '13 at 21:02
  • This doesn't seem to work if the form is created dynamically, like in the following: `var form = $("
    ", {'action': 'somepath.html','method':'post'}).bind('ajax:complete', function() {console.log("AJAX COMPLETE");});`
    – MusikPolice Sep 04 '13 at 20:23
  • 19
    "As of jQuery 1.8, the .ajaxComplete() method should only be attached to document" – Meredith Dec 27 '13 at 08:10
  • 1
    Where is 'ajax:complete' defined? In the jQuery docs, it's "ajaxComplete". http://api.jquery.com/Ajax_Events/ – Lawrence I. Siden Feb 12 '14 at 10:03
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    Didn´t work form me, using normal Form, with a button, but the button calls javascript $('#formFile').submit(); – Daniel Feb 06 '15 at 20:02
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    Also it didn't work for me. I've created dynamic form, and triggered submit, but after, when I've got the answer from ajax, listener with ajax:complete does't triggered. – fdrv Oct 07 '15 at 11:39
  • @JamaicaGeek - thank you - do you know how i can succeed binding to a dynamically generated form? – BKSpurgeon Aug 15 '16 at 06:19
  • @BKSpurgeon - This wont work for a dynamically generated form as it is. You will need to use something like http://api.jquery.com/live/ or http://api.jquery.com/on/ to cater to dynamic elements. – geeky_monster Aug 18 '16 at 19:53
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    If this isn't working for you, such as in the case of dynamically generated form the solution should be to bind the listener to the document instead like this: `$(document).bind('ajax:complete', "#my-form", function() { this.doesFoo(); }); – MCB Mar 16 '17 at 02:35
  • got curious how this got that much upvotes, as it doesn't apply to normal forms (sent with a submit button). The answer by Bradley is more complete and explains how this one could "work" (if you didn't include a success callback, what makes no sense at all). – igorsantos07 Oct 02 '18 at 18:08

I could not get the number one upvoted solution to work reliably, but have found this works. Not sure if it's required or not, but I do not have an action or method attribute on the tag, which ensures the POST is handled by the $.ajax function and gives you the callback option.

<form id="form">
<button type="submit"></button>

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#form_selector").submit(function() {

     type: "POST",
      url: "form_handler.php",
      data: $(this).serialize(),
      success: function() {
        // callback code here

Bradley Bossard
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    +1. The key to this answer is the `$(this).serialize()` line. It lets you use `jQuery.ajax()` to submit the existing form in the background, then catch the reply from the server and do something with it. – Warren Young Apr 09 '14 at 19:15
  • 18
    javascript without semicolons... some people just want to watch the world burn. Your solution works though, so thanks :) – viggity Jul 16 '14 at 15:45
  • 2
    Note that `.serialize` doesn't include file inputs in your POSTed request. Use the HTML5 FormData (see [this question](http://stackoverflow.com/q/10899384/957950)) instead unless you are supporting old browsers like IE < 9 – brichins Nov 09 '15 at 20:26
  • Props for using `$(this).serialize()`, it solved my problems! – gnclmorais Jun 29 '16 at 10:13
  • what is 'form_selector' in your html that you reference in the js? – Kevin Meredith Jul 25 '16 at 15:08
  • @KevinMeredith it's the id of the form... Same thing as "#myform" in the original posting. – Bradley Bossard Jul 25 '16 at 18:59
  • Actually [Eslint](http://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-extra-semi) suggest to not use unnecessary semicolons, and it won't burn the world :) @viggity. The solution works perfectly for me, thanks. – wenwen Sep 27 '16 at 06:52
  • @wenwen That lint rule is for *extra* semi-colon. It does not discourage the use of them, it just says don't use two when one is enough. I for one agree with viggity, not using them will make the world burn, or at least your code when someone accidentally removes a line break. – Carl Sep 19 '17 at 10:23

You'll have to do things manually with an AJAX call to the server. This will require you to override the form as well.

But don't worry, it's a piece of cake. Here's an overview on how you'll go about working with your form:

  • override the default submit action (thanks to the passed in event object, that has a preventDefault method)
  • grab all necessary values from the form
  • fire off an HTTP request
  • handle the response to the request

First, you'll have to cancel the form submit action like so:

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    // Cancels the form's submit action.

And then, grab the value of the data. Let's just assume you have one text box.

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    var val = $(this).find('input[type="text"]').val();

And then fire off a request. Let's just assume it's a POST request.

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    var val = $(this).find('input[type="text"]').val();

    // I like to use defers :)
    deferred = $.post("http://somewhere.com", { val: val });

    deferred.success(function () {
        // Do your stuff.

    deferred.error(function () {
        // Handle any errors here.

And this should about do it.

Note 2: For parsing the form's data, it's preferable that you use a plugin. It will make your life really easy, as well as provide a nice semantic that mimics an actual form submit action.

Note 2: You don't have to use defers. It's just a personal preference. You can equally do the following, and it should work, too.

$.post("http://somewhere.com", { val: val }, function () {
    // Start partying here.
}, function () {
    // Handle the bad news here.
Sal Rahman
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For MVC here was an even easier approach. You need to use the Ajax form and set the AjaxOptions

@using (Ajax.BeginForm("UploadTrainingMedia", "CreateTest", new AjaxOptions() { HttpMethod = "POST", OnComplete = "displayUploadMediaMsg" }, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data", id = "frmUploadTrainingMedia" }))
  ... html for form

here is the submission code, this is in the document ready section and ties the onclick event of the button to to submit the form


here is the callback referenced in the AjaxOptions

function displayUploadMediaMsg(d){
    var rslt = $.parseJSON(d.responseText);
    if (rslt.statusCode == 200){
        $().toastmessage("showSuccessToast", rslt.status);
        $().toastmessage("showErrorToast", rslt.status);

in the controller method for MVC it looks like this

public JsonResult UploadTrainingMedia(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
    if (files != null)
        foreach (var file in files)
            // there is only one file  ... do something with it
        return Json(new
            statusCode = 200,
            status = "File uploaded",
            file = "",
        }, "text/html");
        return Json(new
            statusCode = 400,
            status = "Unable to upload file",
            file = "",
        }, "text/html");
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    Those code are .Net codes, and in the question never specified it. – MrMins Oct 01 '14 at 07:18
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    That really isn't a good reason for down voting this. The answer works and might help a .NET developer who is facing the same issue. – edepperson Oct 02 '14 at 13:44
  • I like this idea, but for some reason the callback isn't firing. Does the controller method have to return a JsonResult? My controller method currently returns an ActionResult. – mattpm Sep 17 '19 at 01:29

I do not believe there is a callback-function like the one you describe.

What is normal here is to do the alterations using some server-side language, like PHP.

In PHP you could for instance fetch a hidden field from your form and do some changes if it is present.


  $someHiddenVar = $_POST["hidden_field"];
    if (!empty($someHiddenVar)) {
        // do something 

One way to go about it in Jquery is to use Ajax. You could listen to submit, return false to cancel its default behaviour and use jQuery.post() instead. jQuery.post has a success-callback.

$.post("test.php", $("#testform").serialize(), function(data) {


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The form's "on submit" handlers are called before the form is submitted. I don't know if there is a handler to be called after the form is submited. In the traditional non-Javascript sense the form submission will reload the page.

eel ghEEz
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  • Unless the form submission redirects to a file download, in which case the page is left intact. I can't use JavaScript submission because an Ajax request can't initiate a file download (without anchor tag games), but I also can't tell the user to wait, or clean up once they have the file... – kitsu.eb Aug 29 '19 at 19:24
$("#formid").ajaxForm({ success: function(){ //to do after submit } });
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