Questions tagged [career-development]

Questions on mathematical career development. Keep in mind that asking for personal advice about your individual career development is not allowed on Mathematics Stack Exchange. Also consider whether your question is more appropriate for Academia Stack Exchange.

Questions on mathematical career development. Keep in mind that asking for personal advice about your individual career development is not allowed on Mathematics Stack Exchange. Also consider whether your question is more appropriate for Academia Stack Exchange.

125 questions
5 answers

Do mathematicians Switch Fields of Expertise?

I'm curious if it is common or quite rare for mathematicians to change their area of expertise, whether it be after their PHD or mid-career, how radical this change might be, whether it's often for reasons of evolving tastes or rather conforming to…
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3 answers

Careers in Math

I am a highschool freshman, and I really like to have goals for my life, one of the big ones is my career of choice. Previously, I have always wanted to be a programmer, and I have written a lot of code. But it seems to me that programming can get…
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2 answers

Do people with average intelligence stand a chance making a tenure track math professorship at a research university?

I am interested in math and have been thinking about going for grad school and becoming a research professor since graduating from college. However, a few things that happened recently really make me hesitate a career in academia. Let me quickly…
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1 answer

I'm a late-bloomer, apparently. Do I have any hope of college?

I'll keep this short. I'm a 26-year-old high school dropout. College never seemed to be in my cards. (I come from a poor family and higher education was always seen as a pipe dream.) My grades in school were abysmal, but not for lack of…
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3 answers

Choosing a PhD topic

My supervisor and I recently had a long chat about PhD related stuff. He said something to the extent that your chances of employment after finishing your PhD among other factors depends on the topic of your PhD. The reason he mentioned was that for…
tom b.
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5 answers

Algebra and Analysis

I'm a math major at university and my tutor told me that for most people it's best to focus on either algebra or analysis, however I have trouble understanding the difference between them. What are the actual differences between algebra and…
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4 answers

Publishing elementary proofs of theorems

I'm an undergraduate student and I believe I found another proof of Heron's formula. I have a bunch of questions: I would like to publish this "proof" (I haven't found mistakes yet) in some magazine. But as you would expect I don't want to discuss…
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1 answer

Early specialization and career development

I'm in the last year of my undergraduate studies. I recently decided to become a mathematician and I will apply for a two year master degree as a preparation for a PhD. Looking to various master programs I noticed that some of them tend to oblige…
5 answers

Am I fit for higher studies/teaching in mathematics?

Let me begin with some background: I used to enjoy mathematics immensely in school, and wanted to pursue higher studies. However, everyone around me at that time told me it was a stupid area (that I should focus on earning as soon as possible), and…
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1 answer

Problem regarding mathematical skill of a math lover

I don’t know whether it would be a good idea to seek solution for some personal problem here. But as there’s no harm in asking I’m putting it under the soft tag. It’s about forming a career in mathematics for an individual like me for whom morning…
Sriti Mallick
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1 answer

What about Genetic Algorithms from a mathematical point of view?

Last year I've attended an Artificial Intelligence course (it was very simple, just a summary of the main ideas); we've seen what a genetic algorithm is and the idea seems very interesting to me. Now I must plan what courses will I attend during my…
1 answer

What are the characteristics of a good mathematics "side project"?

A piece of advice for young graduate students (in mathematics) that I've heard frequently is to find early a "side project" to work on alongside your main research enterprise. An obvious question that follows is: what are the characteristics of a…
3 answers

Should I apply to graduate school for mathematics?

As the question title suggests, should I apply to graduate school for mathematics? I am currently an undergraduate studying mathematics at some unnamed university in the world about to enter their last year. Here are some reasons why I think I…
3 answers

Math under time constraints

I'm currently an undergrad math student and I have been wondering if being able to perform well under time constraints requires a deeper knowledge of the material than performing under no time constraints, specifically in the context of test taking.…
Simon Lee
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General Advice on choosing Mathematics as career path

Firstly, i know that this question will be closed ultimately. But i want to know opinions of various mathematicians here, which is important My Background : I am Bachelors of Arts graduate, 27, I work as a Clerk currently. I have interest in…
J. Deff
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